
The execution here is remarkably clever, but this is far from a quick hack, and the time spent assembling and programming it could have arguably been better spent actually studying, according to your parents.

Anyone interested in obscure old oddities should look up Roy Glashan’s Library. He specializes in rescuing lost Australian authors whose work appeared in magazine and newspaper serials, as well as better known thriller writers like Edgar Wallace and E. Phillips Oppenheim. I especially recommend the Madame Storey

I both love and hate LA. I really doubt I’m alone with these feelings

Joule thief!

Anybody who replaced vinyl with 8-tracks deserves everything they got.

If you think it's bad that Amazon warehouse employees don't have time to pee, just imagine living in an off-world colony where Bezos owns the air.

I’ve been debating about putting my podcast, Boring Books for Bedtime, on Twitch, and doing live readings since its audience is growing pretty quickly, but I can’t get past the fear of the comments and . . . just the utter horribleness of people, especially if you’re a woman. It’s nice to hear that the entire

Yeah, we call such mysterious things a “radio jammer”. Either that or a Continuum Transfunctioner.

Fucking hell, humans don’t deserve dogs.  Their loyalty, love and kindness is unmatched.  Goodest of boys, good boy!

Opponents of [every new law that would cost them money] argue it is the wrong way to handle the city’s widespread [social problem they’re mostly immune from], [cannot describe what the right way would be, since it generally just boils down to ‘kill all the poor’].

This.  You’d be surprised how bright you need a room to be, when taking pictures this fast.  Dark crash test videos are useless.  This whole thing is happening in less than 50 milliseconds.

The inner nerd in me approves this message.

It doesn’t take much to trick someone from Arkansas. I used to sell Cheerios there as donut seeds. 

Data is like a goldfish: It will grow to fill its container.

Which automakers advertised these replacing normal driver actions aside from Tesla?

From the very moment automakers started implementing this “autonomous” tech into mainstream vehicles, it was a fallacy. Because they marketed it as a replacement for healthy driving habits everyone should have, such as physically turning your head when changing lanes, turning or backing up, checking your mirrors, be

When people started using trucks more to haul people than to haul stuff.

Is this really a life problem that needs to be “hacked”? It never occurred to me that anyone would need written advice on how to fuck, as if there are these poor horny uncoordinated couples walking among us. Fill orifices with appendages. Repeat. It’s not even apple sauce let alone rocket science.

Thank you very much for doing this story. I saw on Airliners that they were reactivating this one to replace a damaged out one. But the process to bring something back to life is awesome. Also goes to show how fast (relatively speaking) we could bulk up our numbers in a time of war.