
Stacey Plaskett is the best thing to come to the mainland from the USVI since Tim Duncan.

Please order your Mom the $7 Victorinox for Valentine’s Day.  Nothing says I love you more than giving someone a sharp knife!!!!

Please order your Mom the $7 Victorinox for Valentine’s Day.  Nothing says I love you more than giving someone a

The microwave is the secret. Heat the pizza a bit in microwave then toast it in the toaster oven to crisp it up.  Takes no time and makes the pizza crispy.  

Ten years no parole and a statement of admission of guilt seems like actual justice to me.

I’m assuming that’s the sound you want to hear their bones make.  

The Gorton’s Fisherman definitely knows what you did last summer and he has corpse garden 13 miles off the coast of Maine.  

I started out drying the wings overnight in the fridge, but with the panic forcing me to stay in and refine my wing roasting technique, I’ve found that straight from the bag, tossed with cornstarch and convection oven roasting gives me crispy skin every time.  

Nah it's just two things I haven't done in over a year...travel somewhere far or eat at a buffet.  And I don't even like buffets, especially Golden Coral.  

You will need some form of documentation to travel in the near future.  I don’t think the vaccine card will be official enough though.  

Go ahead and share that shit and brag away. It generates FOMO. If 2020 has taught us anything, our society is really not much more mature than a 15 year old, so if doing it for the gram convinces more people to vaccinate themselves then that is good.

Now playing

I can explain it. Remember the Frozen Concentrated Orange Juice Squeeze Play from “Trading Spaces”. It’s basically that, but the opposite with a bit of “Boiler Room” pump and dump. Instead of the Dukes leveraging their entire fortune to buy as much FCOJ as they can, this time the hedge funds have leveraged themselves

Now playing

James Harden skipping training camp is FAKE NEWS. There is video of him in training camp.

This was back when I was in college in Houston.  I remember seeing the commercials and thinking damn that looks good.  Then I’d actually get the food and think damn this sucks and that is when I used to eat ANYTHING.  I don’t remember the chicken, but I do remember thinking the sides tasted bland and textureless.  It

Gun permit. Lol. Bless your heart.

You asked a question about how you can tactically improve your burger game, but honestly, I think your problem is really strategic. To make and eat a truly great burger, you need to use fresh ground beef and cook it fresh on a hot grill. Anything that deviates from that is a compromise that we make because money, time


Considering that those pardoned confederates went on to institute a hundred year long white supremacist terror campaign against my family, I’m not sure what we got out of let bygones be bygones.

Those vodka fairies are evil.   

TL;DR - South Korea to women, what part of barefoot pregnant in the kitchen making me a sandwich don’t you understand?

I see you’re familiar with the not world famous Joliet Style Pizza. The 19 year old version of me would have housed Lasagna on a Totino’s.