
I think most people are sophisticated enough to know that frozen versions of dishes are pale comparisons to the original.  Though, thinking back about what has been going on the last few weeks/months/years/human history maybe they aren’t.  

This isn’t new. We’ve had this at our HEBs in Texas for as long as I remember:

It WAS a perfect shooting. She was armed with a crazed mob. The police showed enormous restraint. They didn’t shoot anyone when they broke through the barriers surrounding the Capitol. They didn’t shoot anyone when the seditious mob broke through the doors and windows of the Capitol building. They didn’t shoot anyone

Ive got the motto for my new restaurant. Big Don's Salad Bar: We cut out the middle man and pass the savings on to you.

They are salads, but they are not salad.  When you say you want to eat a salad, I'm sure you are thinking about something leafy.

Extra small tiny spoon for dessert. Soup spoon for soup. Garden spade for cereal.

This is what you get when you give Daft Punk an orchestra to play with. We should give Daft Punk an orchestra to play with again.

Tron is about a video game. Make a video game. Freed from the CLU, the tron world devolves into anarchy. And you as a newly liberated NPC have to navigate it to do something. 

That’s what your mom called you and your brother’s conception ;D

Why are you calling her a Karen when she is literally a Skylar.  I guess it doesn't have the alliteration of COVID Karen, but come on... Skylar.

Here in San Antonio tonight we had high thin sirius clouds. The type that pick up every bit of twilight with the sun well below the horizon and that you can't see through when looking for a star low on the horizon. But straight up, you could see the moon and clouds.  I've been living vicariously through reddit

That is what made the beginning of this show so great. It made the galaxy feel like such a huge place.  The galaxy has trillions of people. The same ten people don't have to do everything.

It looked about the same as The Irishman; which, I didn’t think was there either. 

I’m GenX, so I definitely went through the whole fat=death hysteria.  It has been pretty interesting watching the pendulum swing back the other way (thank you bacon).  

It may be slightly more fair, but it is very far from simple. The great thing about a fuel tax is that mileage and weight are already built in. Heavier cars driving more miles tend to use more fuel and pay more tax. More important though, it is incredibly easy to enforce and almost impossible to avoid. All you have to

All I want is Deus Ex 5. I’m on a bit of a college nostalgia trip this month. I bought Final Fantasy 7 Remake for black friday and finished it the day after I got CP77 timed perfectly with the day long patch download. Unfortunately I think I need a palate cleanser. FF7r is such a well polished and crafted experience.

I have a very hard time believing she turned down a cabinet position. Metro Atlanta is one thing, but the “City of Atlanta” is a podunk municipality of 500K. Ghostbusters rules apply: When the President of the United States offers you a cabinet position, you say yes.

“Peace, Land, Cookies”

It is called being strong for your Grandchild.