
Using your finger means you have to wash your hands. Washing your hands takes time. Those precious seconds could be used stirring the eggs or getting the coffee going or putting away the bacon.  I’ve got tortillas going on the other burner and if I have to wash my hands then start the coffee, then I’m going to need to

It is really critical with this show to not pick at threads.  It is just not that intricately plotted out.  

The best decade for music is 1975-1985-ish.  

Bye Felicia

I hope this man, who deliberately sabotaged our nation’s response to this deadly pandemic, gets the full Boris Johnson. I don’t want to see him die, I’m not evil, but let him get admitted to the hospital, sent to the ICU, placed on oxygen and have 2 or 3 nurses next to him keeping him alive. Then let him recover and

You've got some issues if you resort to beating someone who annoys you in the kitchen.  You've got an 8" chef knife.  Let the blade do the work.

Vin Diesel smells like leather and olive oil...and family.

The last gaming think I bought at launch was Civ V. A bug filled half baked rip off that took two DLCs before it was good. A little discipline and a reminder to myself that I have a backlog of games has saved me a lot of money and guaranteed the best gaming experience.  I'm looking forward to FF7 in about 6 months.

That is an eight to ten season long Game of Thrones style ensemble epic that could carry a network. All you have to do is just follow the history except make everyone hot and have good teeth.

I entirely understand. I can’t think of any Dune adaptation without thinking of this.

A taco is not a sandwich. A hot dog is a taco. A hot dog is not a sandwich. A quesadilla is a sandwich. A pie is not a sandwich. A quesadilla is a pie.*/$@!)*^%$% error, error, does not compute.

I assume the ex CIA lady is a “Scientologist” and set up Butcher. They are trying to get a man in the Seven. Why else have them wait off shore if not to give The Deep an opportunity to get back and owe the church.

Now playing

They’re just sleeping. Poor guys are just tuckered out.

It took me a second to work that one out myself. I’m wondering how the city of Rome was launching a telescope and why they were naming it for Nancy Grace. Turns out Nancy Grace Roman was a badass in her day.

It is much worse than that. The “superiors” in the Alameda County Sheriff’s Office wanted to prosecute the victim.

In the strictest sense I was a little too extreme in saying no election was decided by one vote, but only a little. The odds that you will participate in a one vote election, similar to the odds of winning the lottery, are so low, they are effectively zero. For me, the chance of being the pivotal elector isn’t a good

nobody wants to slurp up cold linguine off a paper plate

And rationally it makes no sense to pay that $60 because no election was ever decided by one vote. That’s why voter suppression is so insidious. The coldly logical rational choice is to not vote even when it is convenient. I vote out of civic duty. But if the choice is between voting and buying heart medicine it

And because of that, if there is no food left on the table, the host is compelled to order more in case anyone is hungry.