
It’s on HBO.

Another storm headed for Alabama. Those poor people can’t catch a break.

Don’s Pandemic Wings

What magical universe do you live in where they sell wings at 33 cents a piece.  Can I move in with you?

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Play by play on Trump claiming he was going to throw a first pitch.

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I’ll be honest, I didn’t even realize that post would be anti-grilled oyster. Those baked oysters are actually quite good. I always order a couple of buckets. It is just that in San Antonio, we go nuts for what is essentially frozen food aisle breaded chicken on a stick because they put that Jalapeno on the end, and

So San Antonio has a festival based on grilled oysters. The most popular food at the event is...

There really isn’t a better place for a hurricane to strike on the gulf coast.  Kenedy County where it is making landfall has only 400 residents (4th least populated county in the US). Also, by this time of year, we’re usually pretty thirsty for rain in South Texas.  

Cbs has all 4.  I just finished season 3.  

It was on CBS all access

Zach Snyder makes animated concept art. I don’t mean that as necessarily a bad thing. By its form, concept art and story boards capture a moment and let you analyze them in detail. Zach Snyder is great at taking that and expanding it out to 5 or 10 seconds in film. Make a movie like 300 that zips along from moment to

They really did look a lot alike though. Me and my two brothers don’t even look as much a like as they did and we look very similar.

I don’t know how wide spread it is, but Google has transcription built into the volume button of the Pixel phones.  It is as good as the live captioning you get on a TV program and works with any internal or external audio source. 

I hope you got a deal.  Sucks to buy a one year old value phone.

I dropped my 3a xl on the second day and shattered the screen. I bought one of those thin low profile cases for the first time because I was tired of thick bumper cases and wanted to look cool. NEVER AGAIN!!!

The disease is white supremacy. It's like diabetes.  Mitch is like the heart disease and Trump is the foot amputated. Sure, dying from a stroke is technically more serious, but losing a foot is losing a foot.  At least when you die it is all over.

Airborne transmission doesn’t mean what you think airborne transmission means. When immunologists say airborne, that means it spreads like a fart. Once it’s in the air, it fills the room. The assumption we’ve been working under is that it is droplet spread. That means you get an infectious cloud that eventually falls

I drive a Sonata.  I think that tells you all you need to know on how I roll.  

I haven’t owned a flagship since the IPhone 3G. I always go with best value so it’s been Nexus, then MotoG and now Pixel3a. I’ve always liked the value I got for them, but I could definitely notice the compromise I was making, especially after a year. One year in on the Pixel and I’ve neither felt like I was missing