
You can see the current flowing upstream pretty heavily.  

At this point, is there any reason to buy anything more expensive than the Pixel 3a/4a?  I don’t think there has been a major change to what smartphones can do for multiple generations now.  

Somewhere in the world at this very moment, Morris Chestnut is asking someone what the keyboard shortcuts are for copy/paste.

I too wouldn’t get a set of cast iron. Stainless steel is the workhorse in my kitchen.

I too wouldn’t get a set of cast iron. Stainless steel is the workhorse in my kitchen.

Of what, John Adams?

I swear by cold butter on hot toast straight out of the oven. Some of the butter will melt while some is still cool and you get more complex flavor profile.

The guy got piss drunk and behind the wheel. He was so drunk he passed out in a drive through. Thank God it wasn’t a highway. He rightfully had the police called on him and he was justly put under arrest.

American tastes and options in dining have changed. Growing in the 80s/90 in the suburbs we had those chains, American Chinese restaurants, and an abundance of fantastic Mexican restaurants because I’m from San Antonio (yay!). If we wanted something else, there was maybe one or two Americanized Thai or Vietnamese

The first game was a pretty depressing murderfest too. Is it any wonder Ellie turned into a psychopath when her adopted father taught her how too carefully clear out multiple camps with dozens of people while remaining mostly silent. So many in fact cannibals label you crazy. 

We keep on using the language of good/bad cop and things like “arrested for jaywalking”, but that is not at all what is happening here. This is just stop and frisk, but with added steps. The jaywalking is just a pretext to get around the 4th amendment.

I see what you did there!

I hear you. I held out until last summer, but I was really jonesing to play Red Dead 2, so when I saw a Spiderman PS4 bundle on Prime Day I snagged it. I’m glad I found out about the PC port later because, The Last of Us, Spiderman, and Horizon Zero Dawn made it worthwhile. I also snagged all of the Uncharted series

“Running From COPS” https://www.topic.com/runningfromcops, also blew the whole scam up. The biggest defense from LivePD is that it is a “news program”, but what kind of news organization destroys tapes of a potentially controversial event?

In the 530s, Emperor Justinian began a reconquest of Italy by the Roman Empire. Armies on the march take grain and recruit soldiers from the countryside. A few years into the invasion a major geologic event blocks out the sun for a couple years leading to massive crop failures and leading to a century long climate

It was the standard hero’s journey.  Those characters were his “mentors”.

It’s like a Subway, but for Pizza.

It WAS a competent troop transport until the Moths at the Space Pentagon got their hands on it. First they needed a scout but didn’t have the budget approved for one so they added the long legs. Of course with that vantage it just makes sense to add cannon. Now with that cannon the enemy is going to think it is an

This is an OUTRAGE. Movies should be censored the right way. By making an arbitrary series of edits pre-release to satisfy ever shifting and arbitrary standards applied inconsistently by the MPAA. 

Real history very rarely makes for compelling television or movies. As Hitchcock said, “Drama is real life with the dull bits cut out.” And 99% of life is the dull bits of which a significant portion are important. What I think this show does really well is communicate the emotional and motivational aspects of those