
Yes, I have absolutely explored open construction sites, and I hope that if I’m ever confronted with a bad guy with a gun, I am brave enough to try to overcome my fear and go down fighting trying to stop him.

He literally replied to you with the exact same line you used. Your snark boomeranged back at you.

I do that. I still somehow still have a sink full of dishes to wash.  It never ends.

The End of the Age of Man: Rise of the Ryuguians.

I hope James Cameron makes four awesome movies, but the hesitation for me is that what made the original movie great was less the story and the world they created, and more the visual effects technology they used to tell the story. In a way, we’ve watched dozens of sequels to it over the years, right through Avengers E

So you think the studios should just let the theaters take a cut of their streaming sales? What is this, Soviet Russia? Anyone? Anyone?

I think this is really short sided by the studios. People like to go out and do stuff. The movie theaters allow them to serve that market. People also like to just stay home and there is a current market stuffed full of older content that serves them. Giving up on the theaters means you are going to rely on people

He was based on Nathan Fillion, so Nathan Fillion.

That number is 100%. You go on a ventilator because your lungs have failed.  If your lungs have failed, you are dead.  There is a chance that your lungs might heal if given enough time and that is where a ventilator may help.  

The commonly accepted word for the liquid extracted or squeezed from the seed bearing structure of a plant is juice.  What you have made is nut juice.  

I wish Jacques Pepin was my uncle.

That episode is just a metaphor for the whole series.  He goes against all the shiny happy Utopia that Star Trek is supposed to be about and in the end he's like I dont care because the end result is so good it's worth it.

The problem with people’s conception of soap is that they fundamentally don’t understand what is happening. The soap isn’t what is cleaning you. If you are in the forest and your hands get dirty and you only have a bottle of soap, pouring the soap on your hands and rubbing does nothing. All the soap does is help make

Desensitization through biological study has helped me with a lot of animal phobias. I still don’t like spiders and scorpions, but I turn on the analytic side of my brain and try to focus on their anatomy and behavior. Before I was running out of the room screaming, now I flip the switch to Spock mode and can get

Billions of people all over the world are being asked to sacrifice for the good of the vulnerable AND the health care workers who will rush their lives trying to save as many people as they can. That sacrifice isn’t equally shared. There are millions of people all over the world who have lost their only source of

Now playing

I would like to refer the choir to 1:16:42 of your hymnal, “The Pentagon Wars.”

If you have to care for someone who is sick, the name of the game is to limit your exposure to as little virus as possible. They should remain isolated in a separate room, the window should be open if the weather allows it to allow ventilation. Seal the isolation room door, open the window, and turn on the central AC

“P” is a medical procedure developed by the Russians that Trump is very familiar with to treat Coronavirus and many other medical maladies such as gout, lumbego, rusted shins, the flux, Lunger’s disease, among others and to generally improve vitality. Regular topical treatment also gives him his healthy amber glow.