
The F35 is designed under the theory that in the war of the future, the most important thing is to not be seen. All those great things that the A10 and F16 can do don’t matter if they are blown out of the sky the moment they approach the enemy.

I didn’t get to post this on the other thread, but this 12 piece Emeril“Pro-Clad” set for $150 was money. It’s basically the same as All-Clad, it is even made by them, just made in China.

I didn’t get to post this on the other thread, but this 12 piece Emeril“Pro-Clad” set for $150 was money. It’s

You must not have been in Texas this week.

If you don’t like his recap, write your own

Except for the family of four whose minivan hits the forest rat and rolls over and killing the three year old son, six year old daughter, and 34 year old mother. The father is currently in the ICU slipping in and out of a coma with a fractured L3 vertebrae. Yeah, good job fisherman.

41. Are you tall and/or old and/or big and just want to let the blood get back into the leg you had jammed into seat in front of you for 3.5 hours so that you can somehow both have the feeling return to and the ache leave from your leg.  What is the point of losing the feeling in your leg if it also hurts.

It’s the devil’s seed.

If you see photos of him standing next to regular people, he’s actually taller than most. Maybe he was 5'11" and they gave him shoe height, but he’s not short or average height.

I use my cast iron for eggs all the time. It works fine. It isn't as non stick as a brand new cast iron pan, but I don't have to replace it every six months and I can use metal spatula to overcome the small amount of stick. 

I use my cast iron for eggs all the time. It works fine. It isn't as non stick as a brand new cast iron pan, but I

Famously short...for an NBA MVP. Allen Iverson is regular people tall at 6ft.

Please don’t take this the wrong way, but LeBron, you should REALLY stick to basketball.  

Thanks, only watched the movie.  

No, it was an homage to the Hong Kong films we grew up watching on UHF on Saturday afternoon.

There is absolutely nothing humans could possibly do that would make Earth less hospitable than any other object in the solar system. 

American sports are less politicized. A major cause of sports riots has historically been sectarian like in Glasgow with the Celtics vs Rangers or nationalistic like the recent Russia vs England riots. Barcelona vs Real Madrid was cancelled because of the recent Catalan independence issues.

Legacy of the Robert Redford administration

Lighting is terrible in TV now. Everyone wants to do scenes at night, but they always look like shit on our TVs. In real life, trying to see things in the dark sucks, so unless the director is specifically trying to convey a lack of sight as part of the story they need to stop.  

The best thing to raise the competence of any military is actual combat.  The Saudis have been flying attack missions into Yemen for three years. I'm certain their pilots have gotten good at it. 

Y’all Know All This Damn Music Can Be Traced Back To Africa HOF.”

Now playing

It doesn’t have to mean that the Chinese government was going to put a hit out on them. This is what he was talking about when it comes to violence.