
Put some portholes on the side so the fellas can stick their guns out and shoot people.

Whatever is probably right answer. I guess if the allies had Professor X, maybe WWII ended earlier.

Stray notes:

I think his mother has a genetically based mental illness. The world’s angriest boy doll she carries in the hospital is the representation of that. So David having it in the crib shows that was always going to be there. In fact I think we are going to see that Farouk may have been trying to help him deal with it this

The British used that helmet at the beginning of WWII. Also, the German uniform was clearly WWII. Also there is the sound of ground attack aircraft which is really WWII. Until now, I thought the show was set in a trippy 60s/70s flavored present day, but actually it really is set in the 70s.

Me too. Red light meant no talking for 5 minutes.

You mean like Derrick White.

The defender was not in a legal defensive position before the offensive player’s last step.

You should check out the homicide rate of navy personnel in the greater DC area.  

Pepsi was sweeter, so in a taste test where you are only taking a sip, sweeter tends to win. The problem was, that extra sweetness becomes a negative when it comes to a full drink, hence why I always preferred a Coke.

Told y'all he's a snake!

It was laid out in season 1 that you couldn’t survive in the upside down very long. That said, this is a fictional universe where children successfully fight off demons and commies so they can do anything they want. That said, I think if they wanted to put Hop on the upside down, the tease would have been to flash the

Let’s not rewrite history here. The vast vast majority of reaction to Chastain was positive. As for the "backlash" to the current team celebration, count me amongst them. I just prefer our arrogance to take the form of the demonstrative we don't over celebrate but we make sure you know we don't over celebrate because

VAR has changed the rules of the game. Both calls in this game, while technically correct, would never have been called before. Seeing how it was used in this tournament, it seems like for every one obvious correction, you get six or seven of these tickytack non soccer calls.  If penalties in the box are going to be

VAR needs to die. Both reviews were not soccer.

I think it is supposed to be about providing extra service. I've always noted the more expensive the restaurant, the more likely they want to box it themselves. Personally, I’m with you, I’d rather just do it myself and I just tell them to bring me the boxes.

Cyclists shouldn’t be sharing the pavement with cars, they should be sharing the pavement with pedestrians. Expand the sidewalks and put the bike lanes up on the curb. This will allow for continued on street parking.

Lets not act like nets are some kind of ultra expensive unaffordable item.  Those college and minor league parks cost millions of dollars to build.  Twenty thousand for netting is nothing compared to that.

I think you all are way overvaluing what a hobbled post Achilles injury KD would be worth. Seventy five percent KD on a Max contract will be an albatross. Offensively he’ll be ok, but his defense will be terrible. Wing players will blow past him while big men will bully over him. The things that separate the greatest