
Until some CEO gets hired on that comes up with the brilliant idea to fire half the employees and substitutes 50% of the beef with Meet(TM) beef flavored food product to try and make the revenue numbers look better ahead of an IPO.

Mayor of Nashville was on the radio today saying he's banning them within two weeks.

They are using VAR more often and more closely than they did with the men's tournament. For the most part in Russia, the refs rejected any marginal or close VAR reviews.  Soccer isn't a game of inches like American Football. It's not supposed to be officiated that way.  VAR needs to go if this is how it's going to be

Ah Houston, there's nothing like waking up in the morning drenched in a puddle of your own sweat because your college dorm building manager didn't turn on the central chilled water system until the outside temperature dropped below 80.  And with your window open, you catch the sweet sweet smell money blowing in from

Funding independent film isn’t philanthropy. It’s investment, risky and speculative, but investment none the less. Also, it’s a good opportunity since there is an untapped pool of talent. My only problem with what she’s saying is that she frames it as charity when it should be framed as business opportunity

I used to live in Houston, there was always something blowing up there.

Soccer is not and has never been American Football. This was something my Dad drilled into me whenever we watched it and I would complain about calls. The sport is not supposed to be officiated like it is CSI especially when it comes to situations that would involve penalty kicks. Violations resulting in penalty kicks

Here’s a little secret for you. If you are going to mince the garlic, you can just throw the clove skin in there too. Especially in sauces. Even if you have to brown the garlic a bit, you won’t cook them long enough and they disappear into the sauce.

Softnecks can be purple.  If grown some in my garden.

This could work.

Or, you know, just have a driver’s license and insurance. That's not even basic adult level shit, it's basic teenage level.

This is why we are so worried. I could care less if they opened up in Brooklyn, just don't start slipping. The scary thing to me is private equity. Whataburger has one of the highest per store gross revenue of all the large fast food chains.  They also have more staff and higher food costs.  My worry is they are going

Whataburger fries are very similar to McDonald’s and are good when done right. Problem is that if perfectly done fries are a 10 and minimum acceptable is an 8, Whataburger averages around an 8.9 within a standard deviation.  Too many times I've come home with a 7 and I hardly ever get 11s or 12s.

Pop's about to raise the Spurs up like the night king.

Oh good, i’ll take comfort in that in 30 years if I'm still alive. It was so worth it to get chicken fingers in the airport on Sundays.

Unless something completely tears or breaks, the joint is still going to work.  What hobbles you is pain and swelling and the adrenaline masks that.  Once you cool down, and the swelling starts to build, that pain hits you and your done.

It is the identical color scheme to his plane, just reversed.  

This pointless exercise in virtue signalling has a cost for those if us trying to turn Texas. It’s like kicking a fire ant mound...all these little red bastard come screaming out. In our just finished San Antonio council every incumbent was easily reelected except for our mayor who just narrowly defeated a guy who had

I just looked at the map of the area and it has more than enough park space. Not only us Jackson Park huge, it is connected with parkland to another huge part, Washington Park and is adjacent to the the Lake Shore. There is more then enough room to add another museum.