
FYI, they are not the police and at anytime you can walk out of the clinic.  That said, I don't think driving yourself to the ER with a heart condition is a very responsible action.  In your situation, the right thing to do is have someone (family, friend, Uber) drive you to the hospital if you are willing to take the

Buttermilk is acidic and is great for making sweet things... pancakes w/syrup, biscuits w/honey. Sour cream is also great in all kinds of sweet things. 

Fancy crusty bread is my favorite. Room temp bread with room temp butter OR straight from the toaster with refrigerated butter so that some of it is melted and some is still cold.

I don't see San Antonio Spurs fans or Portland fans sticking around if their teams begin every year as 1500-1 longshots.  Do you?

Makes sense. Mayo is just oil and egg. That’s half way to cake. Just add flour and sugar.

90% lean ground beef smashed this

Never had a problem using Barkeeper’s Friend. Never failed to get my tri ply pans to 95% shine which for me is more than enough. Wear gloves though (not that I do), because it will strip every molecule of oil from your hands. 

Mushy carrots boiled for 2 hours, baked beans for breakfast, and ground beef that doesn't taste right.

I can promise you that almost everyone in that room makes their living off of celebrity in some way from producers and agents to photographers and press, so again, part of the job.

Even though I loathe ranch dressing it is entirely appropriate in a Texas salsa bar. Texas food is one of the world’s great fusion food cultures. What is considered classic Texas BBQ is a fusion between central European and Southern US food. What most Americans call “Mexican Food” which is more precisely called

Why sieve the sauce if it's just going to marinate the meat.  I'm lazy, like to cut steps, and don't mind lumpy/grainy/cloudy/"rustic" results.

I just watched both and I have to say I they really do compliment each other. As a Gen X leaning tweener, I appreciate the “kids get off my lawn” aspect of the Hulu doc. Kids are fucking stupid, that’s what is great and terrible about being young. I just wish they did a slightly better job of explaining that this is

Who currently runs the largest organization in the world?  Yeah, there are a lot of suckers out there.

To be fair, he didn't say it was worse than 3000 people dying in a terrorist attack, just that a city not giving preferential tax breaks 5o the richest man on Earth is worse than every bad thing that has happened in New York City in the last 17 years.

Beans are great.  Especially cooked with a little bit of meat. An amount consistent with sustainable food.  Red beans and rice with a little andouille sausage.  Yummy.

We already got that.

Dateline: October 3, 1956

Basic Econ 101. When supply is fixed, there is only one Anthony Davis, increasing demand by selling in a market with more buyers will allow you to increase the price.

I couldn’t remember the show, but I remembered watching the second season of a show then going back and catching the first. And I knew if I kept scrolling I would come across the answer. It was LOST.