
Any time I see that red stripe on ST:TNG uniforms, I change the channel.  I just can't get over how bad they are.  

Now imagine that happening to characters you actually like that normally have tons of plot armor and that is the first 3 or 4 seasons of GOT.

I live in San Antonio (home of the Toyota Tundra) and know a lot of people who would care about this crap...

No only the lack of imagination of NBA coaches.  The man is like an offensive hack-a-shaq.  Someone just needs to figure out how to deploy him strategically.

More than anything else, the biggest obstacle is poverty and instability. The ongoing conflict has displaced millions of people which means people aren’t in the fields growing food. That is a disaster for a primarily agricultural based economy. With food short, people are more likely to eat contaminated meat. Then, to

Just read the innocence project’s write up on the case. It doesn’t state her by name, but it does say that the Attorney General appealed a post-conviction overturning decision based on the appeal being late despite exoneration. That type of behavior is disturbing and needs explanation.

Ah, I see you are from the fajita taco is a sandwich school.

I have a hunch that new horizons is too far away from the target object for lidar to be effective.

The drug cartels exist because we try to stop people from smuggling drugs across the border. The harder you make it to move stuff across the border, the more profitable you make it for those people willing to risk breaking the law. If you want to stop money and guns from going to drug cartels, either open the border,

I just had Steak n Shake for the first time at their location in South Austin a month ago and I have to say...The nose plays!

I rather like the NBA model where teams like San Antonio Spurs and OKC Thunder can build long term successful programs and teams likr the Denver Nuggets and Milwaukee Bucks can be top tier title contenders. Go look at the Premier League standing right now. The top 6 are The Big Six. It takes a minor miracle for some

The problem is that 99% percent of the images of the Earth Moon system in the textbooks we all learned from look like this:

As has been noted elsewhere, but must be repeated until people finally get it, none of the various team salary/tax caps, player Max salary levels, contract length rules, etc have anything to do with making the owners more money.  Payroll is set at 51% of league revenue.  If the contracts end up more than that, money

Have you seen what they do to carrots? Shudder

In what world do you not make a movie that will gross $700M just on pure momentum alone? This movie is going to be made.  I just hope they find someone that can do it right and not make a shity movie.

I sautee mushrooms along with onions and jalepenos and add milk because I like my question thin. That's almost cream of mushroom soup. 

Now playing

Let’s remember that last year, in a football championship game held in Atlanta, the NCAA did this...

Now playing

The Rams and the half time show were one and the same. Nothing but a safe bland algorithmically generated product designed to maximize the odds of... winning the game or generating Spotify streams... that lacked any actual showcase of talent. Maybe i just needed 10% more rastafication.

That’s an incredibly bleak and cynical view to have of people. I don’t think I could get out of bed if I believed that is how people are.  

When it comes to animated programs resource priority should be