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Superheating water is a real thing. I once boiled water in my Pyrex measuring cup in the microwave, forgot about it, then went back to boil it again. When it was done, I noticed it wasn't bubbling, so I gave it another minute. Still not bubbling I added another minute.  Frustrated, I said fuck it, I'll just brew the

Christmas is a lie. It trades on the fact that cold, snow, bundling up, and hot drinks are fun for the first month. We would feel that way whether or not Christmas is there. After that it is just misery.  

I think if the detective actually did his job investigating the case, the harassment should have been enough to get his parole revoked. At a bare minimum it should have gotten him in front of his PO.

You just old. Your list is just an old man hating on the new. The real top 5.

This is exactly what happened. Someone fucked up and tried to cover it up, because who wants to try to find a new job in the shitty Russian economy?

Deadspin? Shit you mean Chris Thompson!

And so what? The review article you linked indicates that there are/may be changes in brain morphology. Then it hypothesizes there may be negative consequences to increased ability to be addicted to nicotine and mood changes. I’m not sitting here trying to advocate teen nicotine use, personally I don’t use the stuff

Correlation does not equal causation.  

It’s not the job of counter services to question a deposit unless it looks MAJORLY shady. A black man depositing a cheque for $1,000 isn’t majorly shady unless the cheque looks fake, or looks to be from somewhere that doesn’t exist.”

Take a step back and think about what the network is as a whole. It is, a series of tubes.  

Why so cynical? An important part of the fabric of a nation is who we honor with public symbols. It’s why it is so important we take down those monuments to slavers who unsuccessfully revolted against our nation. I view it as an honor that is rightfully deserved. The house now belongs to all of us. 

Movie has been out for a while. You should go see it. In fact, you should get that tooth ache looked at tomorrow afternoon. 

That sounds great!

Just remember that most recalls of for things that make your product as dangerous as it was for us growing up in the 80s and 90s back when lawn darts and lead painted hot wheels were a thing. 

Go with Sam Elliot

And fuck OSU

Love the photo. It's the look of believing you are in mortal danger yet knowing you are in no danger whatsoever. How did you get the eyes right?

Stock list price has absolutely nothing to do with the size of a company. 

You automatically get 10 if you do 5 major conference champions. Add one non major champ and two at large and that 8 team field is 13 in reality with no bye.