
I really don’t see MLB being viable in San Antonio. It’s not that the city doesn’t have the size or market to support a team. The problem is that baseball is a distant third or fourth in interest behind NBA, NFL, and college football and unlike MLS, MLB needs to fill a 30,000 seats 60 times a year. How do the other

The death of major characters was one of the things that made the show good in my eyes. That lack of plot armor helped to raise the stakes. The last two years or so, the writing seemed to get bad and the show got gimmicky. It was almost like the show was screaming “see, anyone could die now see who dies next week”. 

So, this then begs the question...is a hot dog really a taco?

Honestly, Bane’s “Rule of the People” plot is just Joker’s whole people are nothing but wild animals thesis taken to its logical conclusion. It wouldn't make sense for the super genius Joker to go from running a whole citywide terror plot to a sideshow of someone else's master plan. 

How is it that an NBA coach can’t figure out how to use this guy in meaningful basketball. He is not some kind of freakshow. He is the single most devistating offensive force in basketball. Scheme around his defensive shortcomings and you should be able to net +2 to +6 points for 10-15 minutes a game around the

FYI, the plural of Florida Man is Florida Mans.  Although is Florida Man multiple men or just one Man?

That can actually be a good thing. The bail can be held and given to the victim after conviction. 

My family complained when I did the buttermilk fried onion ring scratch casserole the first time. The next time I just made both. Did the same the third time and what do you know, they wouldn’t touch the canned stuff.

They are Frosts. The show also has a Lehnsherr...but we are not officially allowed to say that.

A version if this is my go to roast chicken method. I have a wholey roasting tray with handles I use on the top rack and I put it over a Pyrex dish filled with Potatoes, onions, carrots, Brussels sprouts, apples, and pears. 

Honestly, from the first angle shown, it looks like a thrown elbow technical. Flopping to the ground to avoid an elbow to the chin is a legit reaction. The amazing thing is that he wasn’t flopping to avoid the elbow, but just good old fashion FIFA flop on the inadvertent contact before the elbow.

The response to this video though is why don’t you just use an aluminum ash tray?  $15 for a pack of 100.

Why would you stop in Ft Stockton when El Paso is right* there. That part of West Texas around the Permian Basin area is just about the ugliest place on Earth. You drive through there and you expect marauders on motorcycle to try to steal your guzzalean.

Walton’s complaint is complete bull shit. First of all, they are playing the Spurs, playing defense and not fouling is what they’ve been doing for years. Second and most importantly, the 74-50 point in paint difference is a direct result of the 41-7 fast break difference. The Spurs were the team banging and driving in

Honestly, I wish whoever had this video sat on it for a couple if days. The accidental Melo spittle theory was too funny. 

So what do ya know.  He really did it. 

Has a shot?  They've been there since at least last season.

The only thing I know is that the crazy is strong in that family and everyone is suspect.

I really can’t see what LeBron was expecting. The play was set up for Kuzma to screen, seal the defender and cut to the basket for an easy layup. LeBron’s pass was 2 seconds to early for that. Kuzma's initial defnder was in position to prevent Kuzma from going straight to the basket, he has to set the screen and get

Last night in Portland the sauce;