
Which HEB is that?

Police are like vampires. NEVER INVITE THEM INTO YOUR HOME.

Personally, I say good riddance. Fewer avocado eaters means more for me.

Did something happen to them?  I remember there was a time 20 years ago they were my favorite of the big three, but now I'll go there once every two or three years to remind myself how bad the food is. Did it change or did I change?

But is it really a taco?

It is only the national superchains on the survey, no regionals, otherwise Whataburger would be high on the list.

It is the same thing as prostitutes.  You are not paying them for sex, you are paying them to leave...or to be more specific, the value isn’t really the transportation, it is not having to be responsible for the thing when you are done with it.  

I worked for Domino’s a long time ago and the training video basically says if a customer comes in to complain give them a free pizza and send them on their way.

The question isn’t rank your favorite foods, it is what is your favorite food. Anyone who lists mac and cheese #1 should be handed a juice box and sent back to first grade, since they clearly never developed a palate past the toddler level.

What’s wrong with you man?

Nah, keeper guessed wrong. Tomfoolery has to come before the ball is struck to distract the keeper. Anything after that is just for show.

Screw the books. Bottle episode with White speedsuit Avarasrala handcuffed to Drummer on the run on a forest planet after escaping capture by Martian bounty hunters. That is your Emmy right there.

No, that's not it at all. This is a situation that he deliberately nurtured and encouraged to his own profit and will going forward continue to nurture and encourage. What he said was a lie and Ley is just describing the lie for what it is. 

Ehhh. Generally speaking these Marvel Netflix shows are 2 or 3 episodes too long and Daredevil really loves the whole solitary superhero burden trope. I thought it was ok. If you are worried about Spoilers, then you really need to also watch Iron Fist Season 1 and Defenders.

I bought a custom built Windows based gaming rig from Velocity Micro in 2008. I still use it today after replacing burnt out power supply, upgrading dying hard drive, adding more RAM, and upgrading video card. All I ever needed was a screwdriver. 

Goat meat is fucking awesome though. If there is one big glaring hole in Americans culinary tradition, it is that we don't eat enough goat. 

If the electoral college was ever supposed to work as intended, then Donald Trump would not be President. The “college” should have used their power to reject Trump for being unqualified. It was an idea in theory that would never happen in practice. It serves no purpose and should be eliminated.

That is his hand on the ground, not the forearm so he is not down at that point.