
I saw that. They know what they did. Signing Durant was a monkey’s paw deal.

Why stop there. They should also add deadly traps. Make the water pit murky and hide a 20 foot deep whole in it. Make the barriers you jump over out of sharp blades. Release a live cheetah after every lap. I’d definitely watch that.

New Vegas is just fine. You should grab it cheap and play it. Honestly it is graphically a little bit more refined than three, with a much less drab setting. I think the story is the best of the 3 modern sandbox Fallouts.

I hope they got the good bottle for free with the sommelier being so far up the ass end of wrong on that one.

Ah, so same category as using “pitch” for “field” and “nil” for “zero” and Houston Dynamo / LA Galaxy team scarves even though it is never cold enough to wear scarves in Houston or LA.

Wow, that ad is like, look at me I’m a girl trying to do all these things, but I’m just sooo bad at it tee hee hee. Is there some man out there to help me set up my tent?

So is this a soccer thing? I see it sometimes and it is like fingernails on a chalkboard.

I agree, I’m just pointing out that hot garbage for teammates can work when you have 3 hall of famers between the 24-30 years old. As you note hall of fame LeBron has a bunch of hot garbage...and Kevin Love?

Fabricio Oberto, Francisco Elson, and the shells of Michael Finley, Brent Barry, Robert Horry, and Jacque Vaughn were on the 2007 Spurs that swept the Cavs. Tim Duncan was 30.

Let us not cede raisins to white people. Raisins are good and there are many acceptable uses for raisins. They are:

Or tries to enforce equal rights in Alabama.

I think you have expressed exactly what I believe. I don’t think there should be judicial recall, a judge is supposed to make a judgement call on behalf of the victim, the accused and the laws of the state. What the mob thinks should have nothing to do with it. That said, if there ever was a an example to counter

They also had Tim Duncan, Tony Parker, and Many Ginobili in their primes.

I come from a plantain eating people too. We call it plan-tane.

When it comes to great athletes over 30, it seems like 9 times out of 10 what ends their careers isn’t a loss of skill or speed or power, but the inability to recover from injury. I hope she is able to comeback.

It is inherently a difficult game to officiate. The NBA refs are the best basketball officials in the world, unless you’re gonna tell me that the ACC officials are better. The best way to approach watching the game is too treat the officiating like cards in poker. Sometimes you just get a bad beat.

It is a word that is meant to catch all types of family situations including married couples.

Simple, it was KD. There was Greens propensity to attack testicles, bandwagon techie fan base, douchebag owner, Curry’s “who me” smug innocence act and honestly, I would have been fine with the normal not my team hate. Then they got KD and it was what’s the point. Oh and Fuck Zaza.

We had BW3 in Houston in the 90s. Had to ask what the 3rd W was.

Down Feather is what you are looking for.