
78 in the summer, 65 in the winter.

If you want to go all formal style guide, to make it warmer you turn up your thermostat. Turning down or up your AC is too ambiguous.

I want to see a soft reboot in Fallout 5 set in London, but instead of it being the Jet Age 50s, theme it as the aftermath of swinging 60s with anti EU/Mid East War protests, counter culture and what not. Since it’s not in North Amex, new factions and monsters can be introduced. It could really give the franchise new

First, peppers do add what you might call traditional flavors and aromas to food that are different from pepper to pepper. Two seranos added to a dish will add a different flavor than one habenero even though it may have the same level of heat.

Why do the runners advance if the count is 1-2?

Fuck Zaza. GSG

That one wasn’t bad either. It wasn’t great, but it was fine. I think people have got some really distorting nostalgia goggles when it comes to these 80s action movies. Only a handful were great like Die Hard, Alien(s), Predator. The rest were mostly just alright, but we were young so they seemed better.

No, you really are not. At this point, high end smart phones are for suckers. I’ve got my moto g5 plus I picked up last year for $350 and I’ve never felt like I’m missing out on anything when I handle someone’s flagship phone. I think this current generation of devices has reached the limit of improving what these

Simple question. Does it have beef? If no then it is vegan.

Im sorry, but fuck her. She’s no different than any of those assholes who murder their wife and kids then turn the gun on themselves. Throwing your seven year old child out of a window is the most severe act of abuse you can commit. She was an abuser.

I happened to catch a bit of a judge judy show at the mechanics office and there was this dude trying to sue for damages for a dog bite he received. Now I know she’s not a “real” real judge, but she concluded that the guy had no case because he willingly went into the home where there was a dog, the dog has no history

That has been the permanent state of being black in the United States from the moment we set foot on the continent. 500 years and still waiting.

If you put the butter near the pan you are using to cook the indirect heat from the stove softens it very quickly.

I’d have to imagine holding a can at 38 degrees for days on end is not a very efficient process. And that doubles in a grocery environment with open beverage cases or doors constantly opening and closing.

Ze Negro is an amazing creature. In 1941, ze Negro was so weak and cowardly that they couldn’t serve in front line infantry positions. Then in less than 50 years, the evolved to be so brave as to charge unarmed at armed police officers and could take down a police officer while handcuffed and pinned to the ground.

Now that’s a #lifehakr

“Native and Indigenous women would like a word”

A grown adult should carry $50 dollars on themselves at all times.

Are you disturbed by the horrible things that happen in the video. I am. Yet somehow this country just continues to skip along like nothing is wrong when this like this keep happening over and over and over and over...this is America, the only place in the world where this happens.