
I agree, corn in cornbread IS trash, but I’ll fish it out of the trash and eat it because it is still delicious.

The effort is minimal if you time it. Sunday night roast, prep carcass and vegs while cleaning up, make Monday night stock on the back burner for Tue/Wed dinner. My greatest home cooking results have come when I’m disciplined enough to plan my meals and string them together.

If you are talking about the scraps left on the bone, usually after simmering for half a day, all the worth while stuff has been leached into the stock and all that’s left is insoluable myosin fiber mush. I just toss it.

It depends on the shape. Steak fries like the rectangular ones in the photo at the top genuinely suck. They are the worst form of potatoes. Wedges on the other hand are great. I’ll eat wedges all day everyday. It’s that weird?

He just admitted where he got the money from. He confirmed that the records leaked were his.

In this context, the balls refer to a lack of shame.

She’s right, but she’s missing a step. There would be a glut initially which would lower prices. The margins on Ag are already low so then you get consolidation and production cuts with the bankruptcies. The new equilibrium price would then be higher at a lower production number.

I love drinking ice cold beer from a can on a hot day. Bottles cool to room temperature beers are better to drink from than cans in my opinion.

Read the previous articles. The man’s either guilty as hell or the victim of an elaborate hoax/forgery. In the later case, since Howard hasn’t come out to say the records were fake, I’m going with guilty AF.

Good treatment. Just needs to be Rastafied by 10 more percent. Once the police chase him on to the bridge he grabs one of the officers...Cantavious Alverez and he is confronted by Iraq War Veteran and rookie cop Billy McTavish. Billy yells, “What’s my sign, bitch?”, shoots him in the shoulder and Cantavious says, “Has

Mr Old Timey Baseball Man probably thinks going out with a line drive to the temple would be the only truly all American way to go.

‘Rome’ (HBO) - Easy two season binge and a great show.

I laughed so hard at this. I guess it’s not too soon anymore.

‘Nemoy mod’-ded him into V

I did read the article. Considering that our prisons are used in this country as the primary state intervention for the mentally ill in marginal communities, without further detail, I don’t see why the root should play along with the script of shoot first cops. They don’t get the benefit of the doubt anymore.

Didn’t we just talk about how not to dehumanise police shooting victims. The eye witness says ‘“He wasn’t in the right state of mind. He has mental problems.”’ and your article’s title turns him into a petty thief. He’s a a man going through a mental health crisis, not a criminal until otherwise noted.

There is absolutely nothing embarrassing or shameful about that, but don’t be surprised if you take your child to a biker bar if the kid gets hit with a glass bottle. Any parent from Amber Rose to Tom Brady is exposing their child to harm when they use them as props to promote their “brand”.

A small subset wear white hoods.

No it should not. I’m not going to defend dumb dress codes or the idiotic decision to stop her from getting in the bus home, but at what point did our society decide that an unsupervised 16 year old is in mortal danger? That is rediculous.