
The impression you have is deliberate. You shouldtry to watch the show again because ultimately the lesson of the show is exactly the opposite of what you think it is.

It is not an excuse, it is just a simple fact. Any time you introduce human beings into a situation, fuck ups are inevitable. There is no human endeavor that is immune. Everything from performing surgery, driving a car, designing space probes, auditing research files, designing intel chips, handling nuclear weapons,

No, actually it is accidentally. This is the same type of stuff auto makers would say about car accident deaths to resist safety features like seatbelts and airbags. Bad drivers are what cause deaths not our inherently dangerous product that we need to make changes to make them less dangerous. People are not machines,

It’s hard to remember sometimes that cosmic time and size scales are not really comprehendable by human minds. It is like lottery odds being so low that they are really 0.

NYC. 5:30 am in summer DST. 4:30 EST

Lifehack- wait 20 sec post bidet to dry off with TP. It lets most if the water dripping off.

Why are you so anxious to have sunrise at 4:30a. More sunlight in the evening means more shit you can get done.

I would love for a farmer to explain to me why they even care whether the clock says 6:30 or 7:30 when they go to work.

This x10. He’s fortunate it is just a strain.

No, no, no. Gun control is only if it is a black nationalist. Other blacks are just regular thugs which means stop and frisk.

You are forgetting when that show was made and what that world was like. If you weren’t rich, white, and male your world was very limited. You are either dealing with endemic racism or sexism. And the boundaries of what you could see experience and learn were limited to what existed in whatever community you happen to

Ah, the non white ethnic food makes me poop weird joke. Never. Gets. Old.

I think you hit it right on the head. The first season led by the pilot was awesome, the second was slow, but it was still new. It really hit it’s stride in the third and fourth season and I was all in until a certain incident with Glenn and a dumpster. Didn’t watch the show for a year after that. My Mom is really

The coaches for the public schools are government employees and facilitating or accepting money would constitute bribery.

I just don’t trust the Cracker Barrel. There had been one right near my house for over a decade and I’ve never seen foot inside. I know they had a lawsuit in the past but honestly my unease predates that. Its like the state of South Carolina. I’ll never willingly go there.

а ты говоришь по русски

Men’s gymnastics focuses more on upper body strength while women’s focuses on lower. That’s not to say they both don’t need upper and lower body strength, but if you look at the athletes, the women are all quads and hammies while the men are pecs and delts.

Instant coffee is what I drank the entire time I was in Nigeria last year visiting family. I felt exactly that way with the first cup of fresh coffee I had in Paris on my way back.

I had the same thought going in, but actually when M’Baku nailed the Nigerian accent (Winston Duke is Caribbean) I almost squealed. It felt like they were thoughtful in the choices they made and not exploitative. I like to think now that we just descended from some migrants from the Mountain tribe who refused to go