
That was what made Moore’s series different.” ..for better or for worse. I think that’s the point. That was the hook, so now do something different.

In other news, Ezra Miller has come out as being a part of some sort of hive / collective or something.

Yeah weird that people are discussing the grammar of a supposedly professionally written piece of journalism.

Yes, sorry woke world, but if you don’t want to use he or she, the other grammatically correct choice is it.

That’s because it hasn’t. Netflix can not let go of their stupid ‘season dropping’ obsession, so when they don’t want to ‘drop’ a whole season at once they split it into multiple smaller ‘seasons’ so they can still ‘drop’ the ‘whole’ season. they did it with voltron and others as well.

No cuz they don’t fucking care bout you, just the clicks.

You don’t eat whole tomatoes like an apple because they splooge all over you. You cut them up, salt them and eat them alone, in pairs, or on whatever you want.

And then killed.
Or killed, and then yelled at during his own funeral?

WTF is up with this show?! I stopped watching after ep 2 cuz this was as much if not more NOT STAR TREK than other stuff out in the last 10 years. But c’mon, look at that screen cap— Yeah, they’re older, that’s life, and could be neat, but WHO THE FUCK CARES ABOUT SEEING PICARD TALK TO RIKER AND TROI IN A FUCKING

“does it feel pointless drama on top of nonsense” Great description. I stopped watching after episode 2.  

To be fair, these people are not making negative comments or criticisms about the current topic being discussed, they are specifically talking about not liking the subject at all. It’s barely any different than just coming into any walking dead discussion thread and simply stating that one hates zombie shows. This

I made it all the way through Annihilation the movie (barely), and I’m not sure you they made it into a movie, either. Nor am I sure it had a plot. It was definitely 3rd rate sci fi.

Really?  A union of 83 people?  So when they strike, the company just has to go out and find 20 or so tech people that need a job?  Good luck with that.

Reboot.  Reload.

I seriously doubt there will ever be an F-bomb in a Disney movie.  The rating will be for the more realistic violence and that’s it.

If you are dropping Amazon Prime because of its TV show line up, you have Amazon Prime for the wrong reason.

I’m sure this is what they will actually do when it rolls out. It won’t be on top of CBS All-Access, it will replace it. And it will cost more. But, not at first. At first, they will leave it the same price as now, or give all current subscribers the new service at the same price for like a year. And then it will jump.

Well, I might actually stay with Netflix for awhile longer, now.