
This is the second one of these “Hey I’m apparently a very loud dork and I’m going to write a big article about nothing” articles from this guy in like a week. I didn’t read either. What are you doing? You’re so annoying that I’m put off of your article just from the intro. That’s bad.

Still the worst acting of the episode, though.

Good points, I agree with almost all.

Are we so fucking cynical now that we can’t even dream of a better future?

Kind of heavy-handed, TBH.

I have bad news for you then. Unless it’s specifically ComicCon week or something, pretty much every interview you’ve ever read on io9, is just the interviewer emailing back and forth with the interviewee.

I’m guessing it’s not sloppy phrasing, but actually one of the ‘large contingent’ of people who don’t know what the fuck is going on. But, thank god they’re writing public ‘news’ about it, aye.

Some memes never change

I’m not alone!

It’s also really dumb that she wasn’t in the finale somewhere to at least make the viewer think she succeeded for a minute or two.

No, not even close. All these fanboys here are just drunk on cool cinematography. The actual plot running through this show is garbage. People are trying to make excuses about Wellick’s role... notice how many time’s his wife was mentioned here. And she was a major, major role for a season and a half. Utter crap

This wasn’t a story about hacking, or revolution, or giant sci-fi machines

You could say that watching an entire four year series about a character that is actually an imaginary figment of the mind of another character we don’t ever actually meet is poetic.

We buy paper at the store, wrap all our presents in it, unwrap them christmas morning, and then burn the paper in the fire in the fireplace, or throw it out.

Sadly, it’s not weird, it’s how life works. If you were still 8/15 you would still be in love and excited.  But sadly you are not, and there’s nothing anyone can do about it.

I think it’s funny how there’s this whole generation who think they’re cool because they still like the toys they did as kids, and are forcing their kids to like them too, and somehow they’re still cool because it was just a toy and not mainstream when they were kids.

Isn’t this all really pointless? They haven’t made a trilogy since they bought the franchise. They made two, soon to be three movies with a number in them that showed events that more or less followed earlier movies, mostly if not completely conceived and written after the last movie. That’s not a trilogy. It’s just

No, he wanted to help people more. He wanted to continue doing what he was doing, leaping from life to life, putting things right that once went wrong, more than he wanted to return home.  I always thought it was pretty obviously stated.

yeah, I was wondering about this. I haven’t had windows update on for my win 7 boxes for years now with no ill effects.  

So, very Brittish then. ;)