
“Star Trek: Lower Deck’s First Trailer Is What Would Happen if Idiots Like Us Were on a Starship”

No, she wasn’t. But, thanks for stereotyping, profiling, wish-fulfilling, agenda pushing, etc.

So Remind Me Again Why States Are Reopening?


User feedback: Whenever I see an article entitled X things I liked and Y things I didn’t about Z, I throw up a little in my mouth and then move on without reading the article.

My wife and I liked it well enough.  It was fast paced and the characters were interesting without getting too dark.  I’m not sure of the ending though, or honestly that it needs a second season.  I think it could mostly stand alone as a single season story.

They specifically mention the end scene of the entire first season you jackass.

Yeah, using retarded pejoratively is so disabled dude.  Don’t be such a handicap.

Or worse, when you just try out a movie, decide it sucks or is just not your thing in like the first 5 minutes, and then it’s stuck in your watch list.

Agreed, and nothing is perfect, but I’m gonna bet that scenario happens much less often than someone stopping in the last 5% because they’re done, and moving on is more desirable.

Ha ha, so what does this mean for all the wierdos that want to use apple but also want to game?  for awhile there, many steams games were getting apple versions.  Does this mean that’s all done again?

Yeah, I don’t know what to tell ya. I think people are suckers for loving Apple, but then I hate Windows 10 and am still using Win 7 wherever I can.

No. It’s not.

I liked them, and used a browser inbed to show my local radar updated every 5 mins.  But, I’m not sure their widgets were ever optimized to not be memory leaks.  Every couple of days, I would end up killing them from the task manager when the got into the 100s of megs of mem usage.

Right, so you’re in the drain the pool camp.  We live in a sad world these days.

Yes, this. This was just an okay movie, with some good acting and direction, but that actual shot that people are talking about does nothing. It’s a (very!) small town in the 50-ish-s, I think every viewer understands that the switching station, gymnasium, and radio tower are all right around each other. If anything,

PSA, masks really only help if YOU’RE SICK*. If you’re not sick, then you’re just a sheep following the heard.

“The Kung Fu Reboot Starring Olivia Liang Is a Go”