
Snyder appears to have spent more of his energy burying pitches for better, more interesting movies in the various flashback/hypothetical cutaway montages than on any part of the actual story.

it was like ZS did all the setup for that guy to be killed off, but then forgot to put it in the movie!  Maybe it was cut for time?

In the casino scene near the end, one of the zombies was revealed to have a terminator-type skull underneath, and the alien origin was implied in the scene of the original accident that started the whole thing.

The daughter is in the top tier of dumbest characters I’ve ever seen in a zombie movie.  It was bonkers.

Robots: There are several zombies who, when killed, have their heads explode in blue sparks and you can see metal under the flesh and/or metal chunks flying off of them. At least one of them has glowy eyes when he attacks.  

but billionaire tanaka’s plan was to get the zombie head right? The money didn’t matter. So why not just hire the team to do that?

Sooooo much of Army of the Dead can be summed up as, “Plus, it was done better in [better movie X] anyway.

I wet 'em!

I could just not get into The Return. I loved MST3K growing up. Loved it.

Shout Factory learned, almost too late, that man is a feeling creature and, because of it, the greatest in the universe. It learned, too late for itself, that men have to make their own way, to make their own mistakes. There can't be any gift of perfection from outside ourselves. And, when men seek such perfection,

"You know, Captain, every year of my life I grow more and more convinced that the wisest and the best is to fix our attention on the good and the beautiful. If you just take the time to look at it."

197 episodes before the reboot and there's only 12 that Shout Factory couldn't get the rights for? That's really damn impressive no matter how you look at it.

Which is most likely exactly what Jonah et al would've done. Maybe that's it, maybe the jokes in this season are too obvious. They're *good* but not always *witty.* Witty often enough for me to still want to re-watch, but not up to the previous writing caliber.

I think the signalling the joke thing is the difference between having Mike Nelson as head writer and not having Mike Nelson as head writer.

So: is Patton Oswald just going to be in everything from now on? I'm not complaining; I think his standup is great, and he seems like a nice enough geek, but he's way more ubiquitous than seems reasonable.

Yeah it bothered me too. For all of the (rightful) critiques of Servo's blah new voice, this I thought was strange. I see Joel's explanation from Free Dummy below and it makes sense to have a woman do it, but did it have to be such a boring, characterless voice?

Gypsy's just always kind of been there for me, so I just kind of shrug at the change of voice. In the backer emails, though, I thought Joel gave a pretty laudable reason for the change. Gypsy is one of the only female characters on the show and her defining characteristic is that she's kind of dumb (or in show canon,

That guy looked like he was really hurting that raccoon!

Seriously, that was upsetting!

So you're saying you just want to watch the movies on their own? Thats very easy to accomplish.

Watched the first episode last night. Some knee-jerk reactions: