
(Not read the book) I thought Sheen and Tennant were fantastic and well worth the viewing, but much of the rest of the story just seemed so scattershot, superfluous, and yes, boring for the lack of a better word.

This sounds good, except that this wasn’t Star Trek: Deathstroke. It was Star Trek: Discovery, the first main/prime/full show that had been produced in over a decade. I doubt anyone would have had a problem at all with Star Trek: Bad Guy if it had come out after a few seasons of Star Trek: Discovery coming out and

Dr. Sam Becket never returned home because he didn’t want to. I wonder if anyone that makes this stupid complaint actually watched the final episode.

*clicking on link, knowing they will be completely wrong, wondering if he should even read the article or just scroll to the comments for better opinions*

Easy lifehack tip:  If you’re taking out a loan for a mobile phone, you’re an idiot. Period.

I haven’t watched any of this reboot (but then I’ve sworn off of all CW shows).

No, that’s what she meant. Cuz remember kids, things that you think are okay shouldn’t have negative connotations or treated with disrespect, but things that you don’t think are okay are fine to keep thinking about with a closed, prejudiced mind. It’s the credo of the woke-hypocrite generation!

Hey, don’t leave out Holly ‘cute-as-a-button’ Marie Combs!


Best response of the entire series.

It’s cute that you think they give a flying fuck about authentic hacking and this point in the hack plot of this show.

I don’t understand. Do you people just decide something is awesome art-worthy and then just lap up whatever shit is fed to you? This was a show that accurately portrayed hackers with some thriller and mental illness and 4th wall breaking stuff thrown in.

I’m going with fucking stupid.  This show is fucking stupid. 

Yes.  Stupid.  I would say it ruined the show, but this show hasn’t been good since the pilot.

It was fucking stupid. This was a show about hacking. This is hackneyed, cliched, trite, stupid, fucking stupid.

It was fucking stupid. period.

This one here even has basic HDMI input and is only $160

That’s awesome -- and a much better solution than the OT topic.

Alt response — this is why I never use a laptop.  I don’t ever want to get used to suffering through a single monitor and those goddamn touchpad things.

I rarely use an external monitor with my laptop for the simple fact that I don’t want to get used to all the extra screen space which isn’t available when I travel with my computer.