
So I got this one of the other times gizmodo has hocked it. I returned it. The bottom isn’t sealed, all the little battery spots have holes. I have no idea why they did this, but it means if you leave this somewhere where moisture could accumulate or there could be spills, you’re screwed. Also, the lid doesn’t latch

So I got this one of the other times gizmodo has hocked it. I returned it. The bottom isn’t sealed, all the little

This is a silly stand you’re making. This is a website on the internet. It has a dozen sections/channels/subsites. It actually makes perfect sense that the sports one only has sports in it. The real answer should have always been that if you went to the parent top level site, you would get articles from all

ooh ooh, he could do one of those fair catch free kicks!

Eh, seems appropriate in many ways.

If the comment sections get deleted, then I am gone immediately.  I haven’t been that excited with any Giz sites in like 2 or 3 years.  It’s the comment sections that keep my coming back.

So you’re saying that Kitchens would make an excellent Madden 93 coach?

Funny, I thought and would argue the exact opposite. When you sit down to play a game with your friends, one guy can’t pay an extra $100 to get the good cards. Having a league where all the teams have roughly the same talent being paid roughly the same amount, that sounds like a very competitive league. And, if a team

How did you get that$519? This job isn’t for a year, it’s for a 10-12 week season. So actually, the $1000 a week is probably low, it’s probably more like $2000 a week, and that’s the base, not counting any of the actual incentives they listed.

The only reason I still visit the gizmodo sites is because i’ve got a browser extension that I’ve been able to adequately configure to block the auto play videos.

Too late. scroll up about a dozen comments.

While I agree with your premise, there still needs to be a “Call Stands.” Not that infrequently, there just isn’t the right angle to see, or it really is a toss up, like the guy’s knee touches down the same frame that the ball crosses the line. Even in slomo it’s a tie. In those circumstances, if it’s a toss-up

Because after the fair catch, it’s your ball 1st and 10. If there’s time left, you just start moving down the field in search of a touchdown, like any other time. The only time anyone ‘gives up’ and goes for a fieldgoal before a 4th down is when there is no time left on the clock and it’s the best choice left

So you all have been doing these ‘white guy’ headlines for awhile now. I’m a white guy. Is this article racist against me? Haven’t journalists (and I use the term lightly for Gizmodo sites) been fired for stuff like this? But then this is against white guys right? It’s okay to be racist against some groups of people,

Have you thought about something like Patreon?  It seems kind of silly to annoy your small but loyal audience with ads that you’re going to make little money on anyway.

Yes, and then they try and make you feel bad for using an Ad Blocker. Look, I like to support the content I consume, but I’m sorry, but your site is unreadable with the Adblocker off, sorry.

Bullshit. Crappy typers can type as fast on a touch keyboard as a physical one. So we good typers are just left out. Now we can all be crappy typers. Technology pulling me down to the average! Way to go!

Does she know she was specifically created for Lucifer though.

Not to fully excuse the behavior, but maybe the comparison would be more accurate if it is argued that the actor is using their own mind and body as the tool for their job, then it is a little more apt to maybe compare that with someone stomping off and taking a break from their ‘normal’ job because their tools that

It sounds so easy, doesn’t it. It’s like one of the few times where just blatantly copying the original is the best answer. They’re puppets. It’s a variety show. It has current stars on it. There is nothing there that needs ‘rebooted’, just continued.
