
Yeah, I turned to my wife and said, look, I am here now, I was here a second ago, I will be here in a minute, I’m a four dimensional being too! AAoooooh!

I agree. My wife who doesn’t read dumb internet sites, didn’t understand when/how Syd was raped and had to have me explain it to her. Cuz you know, when did healing a loved one’s mind that had been fucked with by a bad guy somehow turn into a bad thing.

I would argue it was actually Faruk that was the main character. He was a horrible villain, lost a battle to Charles, possessed his kid, did more horrible things, supposedly learned to be better at some point, and then convinced past Charles and himself to play nice. All other characters to the sidelines.


They should.

Accept that is mostly what it is saying. Although not necessarily a simple 5 minute choice by the person, but more like all the thousands of choices made by them, their parents, their peers, the media, etc, etc, that effected them throughout their life.

This article is very narrow-minded and kind of silly. So you miss your Tiger games, and they don’t make anything like that on your fancy Switch which you just have to have because your a spoiled American consumer?

Yeah, this article is kind of odd, like his only choice is THE newest dedicated portable gaming system. Which in fact there are dozens of modern ways to portable game, many with cheap and simple games. It’s actually kind of a dumb article, unless he renamed it to, I miss my 80s Tiger Handhelds

Yeah, total letdown. 

Funny, I totally agree. A Picard TV show is the quintessential example of what’s wrong with modern big business entertainment. And yet, who doesn’t want more Jean-Luc Picard reuniting with his TNG buds. ... ... even though I’m sure they’ll do it all wrong and it will suck.

This is the first thing I thought of. I remember the first time I was shown how to use ‘dual monitors’ ... about 15 or so years ago. Nowadays, I would wager that if you don’t know how to plug in two monitors and change what they show, you probably had your grandson setting up your PC for you.

I have about a dozen of those AOL 3.5" floppies sitting around my office right now reformatted and with their real contents written on in sharpie. (none of course being used in the last 20 years, but still there.)

I’ve always said the same thing in reverse. Once the internet ‘matured’ everyone laughed at and left AOL. But it turns out that a large part, probably even a majority, of internet users actually just want one place to go to and be penned in and led around—thus the uprising of Facebook.

Star Trek.

100 million dollars divided by two guys and spread over multiple projects really isn’t that much of a stretch in today’s entertainment industry.

Wow, this was stupid.


Probably because 99% of the people in the focus groups weren’t sonic fans, and like maybe as high as 90% had never even seen sonic before. So, there was nothing to complain about.

That’s what I keep thinking. Not so much the original Sega in-game art, as he’s just a cute little sprite, but the 90s cartoon and other stuff—I’ve always thought that he looks kind of hacky, like you can really feel the 90s radicalness they tried to draw into it.

No, no you’re not. You’re someone that either believed in the announced outcome of multiple investigations or you’re not. And, there’s probably better adjectives for you if you’re in that not group.