
Right? Couldn’t they even set up some schedule where (depending on the pods capabilities) take turns being in the pod each night, but still being together each day, or take turns being together for a month and then in one the pod, one out for a month, and then still spend most of their time in love but still make it

F-F-F-Fixed that for ya:

I’m so sick of hearing this.

Dude, Hudson Hongo? This is Bricken with a sock-puppet writer’s account trolling himself.

The only reason I come to io9 anymore is for the comments section.

Wow, tough question, I’m sure filled with a bunch of scientific facts and hypotheses...I should totally read a Sploid article by Casey Chan about it! (Full Discloser...I didn’t.)

Counterpoint: I don’t own any DVDs of this movie and likely never will. I like the movie just fine and am interested in some of the behind the scenes info. I’m glad someone made a bulleted list I could read through.

Yes. If someone showed me another site that had scifi/sci/tech news with as good a comments section but no more Gawker shit, I would be there in a minute.

Totally same here. I’ve never even seen the second ED. I LOVE AoD though. But, like you, I’m not a horror/gore fan at all. It does nothing for me. And, same with my wife. So, sadly, after hearing the AvED reviews, we didn’t even bother with it.

Same here. I live in mid Ohio and don’t ever need to wash my cars. Sometimes at the end of the snowy season they can look pretty bad, but after the first spring rain or two they’re backing to looking all but new—minus any kind of waxed mirror shine, of course.

Hearing all this makes you wonder if Miller actually liked the movie he made or if he just made it as an ends to a means to break into the bigger movie scene and now that he’s stumbled into big success, he’s all ready to make that “best most awesomest summer blockbuster ever!!” that he’s always dreamed of.

Thanks for this post. I still haven’t seen it but will probably catch it this winter, and this reminds me that it definitely won’t (can’t?) be as good as ‘everyone’ has decided it is and in the long run will probably help me enjoy it more.

For something to ‘hold up’, it had to be up at some point in the first place.

Watch it ... or else!

Man, this blog. That outfit isn’t even that revealing. I think the average high school girl in summer outfit shows more skin than that outfit. It’s a cute Laura Croft esque outfit...being worn by a cute girl in a summer blockbuster. I am going to assume that shirt gets ripped off The Rock at least once. You io9

Didn’t they actually have an episode where Darkwing was in there universe from a pallalel universe? Or am I just thinking of an ep where there was a parallel universe where Darkwing was a fictional character because some guy was listening in to his adventures from some cool Fringe device?

Unless it’s removable or something, wouldn’t that just be a feature of the figure, not an accessory?

((Psst. That’s not a bad thing. Who but an obsessive or a loser would even want to watch 13 hours of a show in a day or two. My wife and I have been enjoying Fringe on Nextflix for over 2 years now; some weeks we watch one ep, some weeks two, some weeks none.))

See, I watched a good deal of Olympics and had to google velodrome. I even watched some of that at a bar one night, yet still had to google the term. My point? NBC = shit sport coverage.

Starred for an opinion from someone older than me. (Gen X here) ;)