
I hate all the fluff...But, I bet its not just polls or test audiences. I bet they have actual hard numbers that the ratings are literally higher for the human interest crap the the actual events. Why? Because as some other commenters have mentioned, the Olympics is watched by much more than just sports fans. And

I think he asked the question based on the title of the article as posted on io9. I know that’s what annoys the piss out of me, and not the actual awards.

So, um, isn’t giving awards out to a specific group of writers and spiting another group of people exactly what people claim the Sad Puppies were doing?

When exactly did we come up with the definition of a ‘good’ movie being that it was some kind of masterpiece of writing/directing/acting? Yes, some movies are all about the story and have large emotional impact, and need stellar acting, directing, etc to pull it off. But, some movies are meant to be fun adventures.

Eh. Me (and my kids) love Godzilla 80s cartoon. We tried to watch the 90s one and it’s honestly a little slow. The old one had a new baddie monster pretty much every week often along with some very fun sci/fi fantasy like Atlantis or the Yeti or Time Travel. The new one had like one monster in the first 3 or 4 eps,

I would argue that this defeats the purpose of this game/experiment...except I’ve played the game and sadly have to agree. I would have MUCH rather had a dozen planets that were crafted to be explored, maybe god forbid, with more than one biome on a planet, maybe some creatures of varying intelligence and behavior,

I agree, except there isn’t even lots of planets and animals to discover. From what I can tell, there are 3 planets to discover and the rest will look like (minor) variations of those 3.

You may be right, but I would argue that you might be discussing a symptom of the bigger issue, which is—many (most?) people bought this game to explore worlds, not to run around collecting resources in a difficult survival sim. I know that that is not what I though I was buying. I honestly couldn’t care less if I HAD

So, I fully admit that my expectations were high. I actually bought my PS4 for this game.

No it doesn’t really matter...except for the $60 bucks a whole bunch of people paid to a company under false assumptions. It really isn’t a big deal, and the company should probably just apoligize and give like $40 rebates to anyone that feels they should. But that’s not going to happen is it.

Yes, very well said. This is exactly what I told my wife. That what we got in the game is mostly what is in the trailer—a trailer from TWO years ago that any gamer would assume is only some juicy bits that have much more depth and development in the ACTUAL game delivered two years later. I really have no problem with

Totally agree. Also, part of the entitlement is what a consumer expects in return for the price. This was not a $20-$30 download indy game. It was a full price, full package $60 game backed by Sony as a top-teir game.

I miss Human Target too, but wasn’t really bummed about the cancellation. I was already bummed by the soft reboot in Season 2 that effectively already ruined it.

Great scene. Thanks for sharing.

I would say more like early to mid 90s. From what I can tell, there isn’t an io9 writer over the age of 25.

best known for his roles on Game of Thrones and as DC’s Aquaman

Whatever happened to io9 being an optimistic future tech blog? Fuck you and your tired ‘robots are creepy, going to take us over’ shtick.

I might get a set, but on Amazon they are $19.99 w/ $9 shipping, and you only get two. I would pay $14.99 + $0 Prime Shipping for 4, though.

Didn’t read article or comments, so I’m sure others have pointed out the terrible science in the intro alone. Not being controlled by any humans doesn’t make something alive, it makes it autonomous. Alive means a whole host of things like consuming energy, growing, reproducing. Duh.

Because it’s 2016. It says right in the description that it is half documentary half drama. Pretty much all the dramas I know on TV these days are TV-14 or worse. You would think that a channel like Nat Geo would be immune to this, but just look at TLC.