
I don’t think it’s near as annoying as “Subject X will blow your fucking mind/make you shit your pants” headlines though.

Agreed. Much of the other Watchowski movies have plusses and minuses, but that first Matrix is a pretty good story wrapped in as ground-breaking movie-making as you can get.

Ha! That’s a good one. Touche. Obviously though, you pronounce it jay-peg or else your an idiot or an ass.

It doesn’t matter if he’s the creator, he’s wrong. Only an idiot or an ass would pronounce a letter differently in it’s abreviation than from the full words from which it was derived. Period.

Absolutely the same here. Especially for MLB games. I often have a second one recording in case the first gets boring, and then you can switch over.

Yeah, my new standing rule is to never click on anything shared from Sploid or written (and I use the term lightly) by Casey Chan. And, I forgot to look this time, suckered in by the interesting headline.

Well, it would be nice if we could find some pics of the charts they’re referring to. But, my guess is that they’re talking about the patterns the stars make indepentant of any scaling. If you have two dots that are an inch apart, and a 3rd dot a half inch away at a 40 degree angle to the line of the first two, you

Is there a way to filter out the Sploid articles from my io9 listings? Thanks.

Before I finished the headline, my first thought was that they were getting sued for their exploitive use of a Quaker as their mascot. And look at him, has he been white-washed?!!

Hey, real science fun facts on io9! Do you want to be the new editor?

I don’t think’s it’s aged at all, it’s the viewers that have changed. If that movie was released today, io9 would rip it apart. The plot holes! The horrible acting!!! Aliens being played by white people!!!

I think she looks fine (tho, don’t get the dirty smears), kind of cool, kind of cheesy, kind of 80s, kind of modern. This is just another example of io9 bitching about everything. I kind of feel like maybe it’s shit journalism, like they’re not allowed to post a simple arcticle anymore that says, “Here’s a first look

BOOM! Drops Mic.

What’s up Bricken, not allowed to be funny anymore on Postal Apocolypse and so we have to start up another fun answer column in its place... (Yeah, I’ve thought that the new PA has been less fun than it’s previous incarnation. I really don’t need io9s advice on ‘real world’ issues. I barely trust it’s genre TV/Movie

That is really cool. But, I think one of the reasons that it does look so cool isn’t his animations, it’s that he’s ‘borrowing’ his shot compositions from the famous photography. In other words, really well composed photgraphs will make really good establishing shot-type video clips.

Does you feel like io9 has any clue what they’re doing anymore?

They had two things—one, they’re both very smart, clever guys that aren’t specifically trained in science/engineering, but have learned to do it on their own; and two—they both have unique entertaining personalities.