
That’s what I’ve thought lately—it seems much more like what Adam wants to do. Ditch the myth thing and just have Adam (and probably a different co-host or two) recreate a movie scene or two per ep.

Funny you mention that. When telling my wife a bit of interesting info from this site, I always refer to it as “that blog written by 14 yr old girls.”

I thought maybe you were going to say that he traveled back to Egypt and swapped out a bunch of people with whites, but I think I may be getting my threads confused.

Deservers more stars.

“Whitewashing is when Hollywood casts a white actor in a role of a non-white character for no good reason.”

I’m late to the posting, but—so, what I’m getting from this post and the commenters, is that these Comic Book TV shows are wasting their time coming up with plots and stories—good, bad, terrible—at all. They should just throw together 42 minute Power Point presentations showing random clips from older or alternate

If this does well, they might start putting out sequel after sequel...like some kind cable-knit sweater that someone keeps knitting and knitting and knitting...

My two comments have already been said, but I’ll add another—

Needs more starts.

Torrent for sure. It’s how I watched all of Other Space which was on (gag) Yahoo Screen. And, I think everyone else watched it (and Community) that way too, as yahoo screen has since shut down.

And the director shakes his head and sighs.

And Vernor Vinge and Orson Scott Card. There’s a short story from the 1950s that I can’t recall (that was pointed to be by this very website) about a connected computer in every home that answers any question you can ask it.

I didn’t even bother reading this. The difference is—Star Wars is an Action/Adventure Fantasy set in space; Star Trek is Science Fiction set in space. They are NOTHING alike.

Literally forever!!

Where’s the article? Totally worthless.

Please stop with the robot apocolypse jokes. 1) They’re anti-tech, anti-futurism, which kind of goes against the whole point of io9/Gizmodo. And 2) It is such an overplayed, hackneyed, worn out joke, you should be embarrased to use it.

Agree completely. And, they never bother to go fix it when it is inevitably brought up by commenters—The kidnapping thing was Joe’s GUESS, it wasn’t what really happened. There are a few io9 writers on here that whether or not I like their writing style/skills, I question whether or not they should be reviewing shows

I had that! It’s probably still in my parents basement. I thought it was an awesome toy. I remember spending a good amount of time trying to figure out how it worked as a 5 yr old.

This makes total sense when you think about it. Because, as you get to larger numbers, statistics take over, and human psychology and logistics fade away—bottom line, people have a certain amount of money they can part with (wisely, foolishly, or whatever). I would think that the actual ‘market value’ of the items