So weird—I heard she’ll be 45 in January.
So weird—I heard she’ll be 45 in January.
God damnit I cried +1
The sexualization of minors, the abuse of women, the mistreatment of minorities - if a country is engaged in this kind of shit, I don’t care how far removed they are from Western norms, it’s wrong and immoral and the international community is perfectly within their rights to shame them.
As an American? I think my responsibility to this issue amounts to not viewing it. It’s not my place as a non-Japanese person to decide what should or should not be changed about their culture. That’s the international equivalent of a guy trying to tell a woman what she should do with her body.
I can think of at least one charitable organization that would be very interested in purchasing that bat.
You rang?
Jane Krakowski in everything.
♫ Synonym’s just another word for the word you wanna use ♫
You know you’ve bought it... if life makes you sweet food!
Take another little chunk of my lung now mister!
I don’t know. As far as I’m concerned, there’s only one person that can play Jackie Jormp-Jomp...
Recognize that I was talking back further than Gingrich, pal.
Atwater’s “muddying the waters” approach got Bush I elected in ‘88 and, as a proud proponent of the Southern Strategy, write the guidebook for the modern Republican campaign strategy still in use up to McCain.
But you know. Yeah, I should read a fucking…
Still not as stupid as Susan Hutchinson dismissing his comments because “he was a democrat at the time”.
“Our culture is filled with bars and strip clubs on every corner.”
Trump is effectively employing a brilliant technique with the media:
Sorry, but Trump never said that.
“when you really think about it, this whole thing has become stupid and narcissistic, and the only people who haven’t gotten over it at this point are the media who profit from publishing the most divisive clickbait”
I was watching the debate round up, and someone made an extremely poignant comment about Trump saying he would put Hillary in prison if he became President. Presidents never get to start an investigation and Presidents never use their power to try to imprison their political opponents... not in America anyway. He…