Well most of the people wailing, especially Not Enough Day Drinking, never post on Root articles that actually deal with African American and minority issues, and only post comments attacking democrats (while claiming to be progressives).
Well most of the people wailing, especially Not Enough Day Drinking, never post on Root articles that actually deal with African American and minority issues, and only post comments attacking democrats (while claiming to be progressives).
Thanks, white people.
“Great?” - anyone not a straight, white male.
Nope. Too late.
Kill yourself.
This is the type of article that gives Peter Thiel a hard-on.
Keep burning the city until they do. Simple.
Recording the protests on Facebook Live to get the message out is “ignorant and self serving”?
That ship has long since set sail. The only language left is violence.
Especially Locomotive Jones. The Fucking Worst.
“I support Hillary 100%”
They polled only 500 SELF-IDENTIFIED Native Americans. And that was the least problematic party of the survey.
Kill yourself
Don’t burn yourself on that take, dipshit
The damages will be minimal. Mod support probably isn’t on most people’s radar anyway.
Fucking idiot
NO. I’m an intelligent person.