Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good.
Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good.
I would’ve been pleased with either result, which seems like a risky thing to say on kinja today. Both were solid picks. Both seemingly didn’t care for purity tests or infighting. I believe both will advance the party.
Perez and Ellison working together gives me hope. Ellison proved he was capable of finding ways to bring portions of the Clinton and Sanders camp together.
Brought you out of the greys because you were one of the few people who weren’t being all doom and gloom. What we saw this last election is that many people would rather get behind a figure head who they liked rather than someone who aligned more with their policies.
The centrism isn’t terrible, though I would’ve preferred Ellison. What he, and the DNC needs to be is confrontational. Take the fight to 45 and the RNC.
Good on Perez for bringing Ellison on board. This is a symbolic post, anyway, and the symbolism of a Latino and African American in these posts speaks volumes when compared to the GOP.
ECONOMIC EQUALITY WILL SOLVE ALL RACISM! (says the white lady who in theory is reasonably well-off and yet still ignorant of her own racism blind spots soooooo...)
All while they try to uplift every mediocre white singer or writer under the sun. What’s good for the goose apparently isn’t good for the gander.
She went out of her way to ignore that the reason whites have power is because they are white. She doesn’t understand because she doesn’t want to understand.
I read that and I was all “What self serving bullshit. How nice to divorce yourself from the effects of racism!”
Because Jezebel had that bullshit “Why I am no longer Feminist “ interview on there, in which both Beyonce and HRC was called out.
Oh they already had their own special “let’s criticize Beyonce” moment this week:
It’s also super tone deaf for a white woman to tell a black woman not to treat her pregnancy like a miracle when the maternal death rate for black women is 3x higher than for white women.
But apparently a white woman with a pen wasn’t impressed.
Thank you for bringing that up. I read that too...... Feminism will die if it continues to be exclusive.
“Damned if you do, damned if you don’t” sure seems to cover how I have seen Serena covered by the sports world. I’m out of touch with pop culture so I can’t speak the same way about Beyonce knowledgeably. Although as the article covers, if you’re a talented woman of color, you’re probably getting pooped on by the…
The pushback against Serena and Beyonce is hating, envy , jealousy, etc., plain and simple!
I thought about the article on Jez the other day about some person shilling for her book in her quest to get paid and how she deflected talk about white feminism by focusing on Beyonce. It’s all fine and dandy for the writer to get paid, but god forbid a Black woman do so as well. She was pretty tone-deaf and…