When Whitlock sits around the house, does he sit around the house?
When Whitlock sits around the house, does he sit around the house?
More stars, people. More stars.
Mansplain some more. You’re doing a great job.
How Hamilton Nolan continues to draw a paycheck for writing sub-Intro to Poli Sci essays is a mystery.
Aww look, someone’s too scared to actually say nigger.
Kill yourself
Jan Brewer isn’t governor anymore.
That’s waaaay too much nuance for that troll to handle.
You’re a sad, stupid fuck.
As a Steelers fan, all I can say is:
Winner by:
Weird, entitled takes are what fucked Gawker Media in the first place.
“We’re not going to tolerate it,” Grobe said, according to the paper. “He’s going to be disciplined by a bunch of people. The city is going to get a piece of him, and the university doesn’t take it lightly. There will be some sanctions from the university. From an athletic department standpoint we’ll do some things.…
And even though he’s eliminated, all he has to do is win the battle royale tomorrow to get another shot at the title.
So you grew up in a family of assholes. Everything makes sense, then.