Azure Lore - Hope Rides Alone

“Wishing all of those celebrating #Hanukkaharound the world a happy and healthy eight nights in the company of those they love.”

More Bullshit: An Alleged Inside Look at the White House That, Nonetheless, Will Contain More Lies

“Hey, Suzie, when you finish up that TPS report, could you check your ovulation status real quick? That’d be greeeeeaaaat.”

As punishment, Roy Moore had to write a 10 page essay about why it it wrong to touch 14-year-olds, before joining the Senate.

I can tell from the pecans.

“The technology for my grand vision does not exist yet. I’ve commissioned top scientists to create new instruments based on alien technology we’ve just uncovered. I’ve been told the R&D phase will last two decades, then I’ll start composing the music, using instruments such as the Velzyxtrunput and the Ghorghdroms,

I like that she was in trig class and he took it as a sin to call her. Cos, you know, he thought that she was real pretty and liked her tan.

Whoah, how did you get that gif to line it’s playback timing up perfectly with real world embarrassing presidential actions ?

I would call this funny but these scumbags are fucking dangerous. They and the people that follow them are so far removed from reality it is frightening. I’ll say it again but the damage that this network has done to this country is truly amazing.

Since last night’s elections, my skin has cleared up, I’ve lost weight, all my bills are paid and my face stays beat.

Is this where I can show off my daughter who did a mashup this year of her two favorite things: Draco and Corn. Comin at ya: DraCorn Malfoy.

Thanks to a panel-wide misunderstanding of Asian geography and some nimble betting work, he won.

You know it’s possible to say things and not remember saying them because you grew up your entire life being able to say those things without repercussions or thinking about how your words/actions impact others. This is commonly known as privilege.

Thank God everything is on video now. They even recorded the cop when he got the news.

The M stands for Money, right?

He’s two years younger than me and I still have a full head of hair.