Azure Lore - Hope Rides Alone

Does it allow for multiple “files” via different accounts on the Switch like other games? My wife recently got into playing Pokemon Go and I thought she might like playing this as well (but I still want to play it too). 

So it makes perfect sense that a photo of the president by New York Times veteran White House photographer Doug Mills captures Trump looking STOKED to be arriving at a memorial service for the victims of Flight 93 in Pennsylvania this morning:

I love the ads for “Dark Web Scans”.

I know that nerds who play sports is a big thing lately since all the kids who grew up in the time of it being okay to be a nerd are going into all walks of life, but who the fuck messes up the name of Bilbo’s weapon? 

Isn’t this a prerequisite for running as a Republican these days?

If tech companies were censoring Conservatives, Youtube never would have hosted his fucking god awful video propaganda for repealing net neutrality. 

Yeah, it’s not like the creator deleting their copy makes everyone else’s copy get deleted too.

Oh, I’m sorry, the Flag Code is a “set of guidelines” and not “law”. Kind of like how a Dress Code is a set of guidelines and not law, huh? So this kid gets arrested for violating a set of guidelines, but the kid with the American Flag bandanna doesn’t. I’ma go out on a limb and guess American Flag-wearing kid was

And it took less than a half hour for someone to come and argue semantics with me. 

I said, ‘what do you mean? That kid’s wearing a bandana.’ He says, ‘that’s the American flag.’ I said, ‘what’s the difference?’ She told me we can’t wear bandanas at all,” the 17-year-old said.

Fuck Pai.

Yeah, how about we keep tabs on what the cops are doing what with the large number of executions they feel like performing in the middle of the street on a nearly daily basis?

Notably, that spectacle included a marching band rendition of several songs by celebrated beep-boop artists Daft Punk.

But where do you put your porn then?

Everyone knows you store the files from your hacking job in a folder marked “Totally Not Hacking Related”. That way the Feds miss it entirely. 

Another article I read said he lost 40% of his yearly income during the court battles on the way to the Supreme Court case. My guess is she went there to finish the job in destroying his life. 

Please point out one person from “your team” (since this is apparently an us vs. them issue, where I’m presuming you’re basing the teams on political opinions) that got shafted where anything of value was lost.

Lol, I understand. My argument used to be “hey, at least I didn’t do drugs in high school and end up in and out of jail like half the kids in my graduating class” but apparently that and having a steady job and wife and kid isn’t enough because I have a hobby that isn’t falling asleep on the sofa at 7pm watching