Azure Lore - Hope Rides Alone

Two reasons: racism and sexism! A horrible man is better than a maybe slightly sketchy woman (I’m not saying she was sketchy but the way others perceived her and those stupid emails).

anyone who has ever lived or worked near a pond can already vouch for the fact that ALL geese are assholes.

Which is more absorbent, that cheap ass paper towel or his toupee?

Isn’t it National Covfefe Day?

To be fair to Kush’s incompetent ass, he did kill many Bothans to try and find those plans. many Bothans.

Oh, he transitioned...

“... what the President is doing to this country” not “... what the President is doing for this country”.

If you can or spread the links please:

He’s Driving the point home hard, though some might Miss it. However with his demeanor he will always come out fresh as a Daisy.

though they might be overstating how deep the impact really is.

sorry...but not

Poor bear. Imagine the indigestion from eating all that tannned leather and sinew.

Might I humbly suggest to Mr. Price an alternative form of transportation:

This has Trump’s vote, he likes PP.

Presenting the First Lady of the Night.

Pepto Abysmal.

Yet more evidence that Satan is the protagonist of the bible. Not only did Satan bring consciousness to humanity, he also refrains from mass murder: the only people Satan killed in the bible were Job’s family and that was done at the request of God in order to prove a bet. God on the other hand regularly murders out

“No, no. I get the reference. I’m just struggling with its stupidity.”