Anne RC

Here’s a point to ponder: 15 or 16 is too young to be charged as an adult but it’s old enough to be entrusted with operating an supersized vehicle on a public road.

Um... those folks are not Amish. I expect it will go downhill from there.

Harold and Maude: it’s Ruth Gordon, not Ruth Roman!!

...Or pregnant girls.

As soon as they brutally kill a character who’s a nice person, I’m out.

I thought it was Ashley Judd. Was she supposed to play Arwen?

I started reading Dune sometime in the early 70s but it quickly got too lurid for me.

Can you fake it with Kool-Ade and salt?

Kipper snacks are a good bet. I found an unlabeled can of what was obviously kippers among my camping stuff several years ago, which meant the can had to be around 20 years old. I ate the kippers, no ill effects.

Remember Y2K (maybe not)? I started low-key stockpiling then mainly for something to do while my then-husband was terminally ill. I’ve been doing it ever since. After 20 years I left off, since the world hadn’t come to an end yet, and then oops, everyone else seemed to think the world was coming to an end and suddenly

I wouldn’t be able to count the number of times I saw him on screen, big and small, back in our youth. Even in the unforgettable “Mars Needs Women”. I remember his interview with Rolling Stone in the Seventies when he came out. He was involved with Dignity, a nationwide organization for gay Catholics. I hope he found

The Aviary has been in Pittsburgh for many decades. I don’t know when it was designated as a national institution. I never visited when I lived there in the Seventies.

Guilty guilty guilty guilty nope guilty guilty guilty guilty.

His life and career are something of a cautionary tale to young actors. In his youth he was a well-dressed bon vivant, a true ladies’ man, earning all kinds of money in the early Thirties, but could never shake off Dracula and died in poverty. At least Boris Karloff got to stretch his acting wings once in a while.

I would expire without reading. (I’m up to 112. OK, some of them were very short...)

Even though I’ve fallen into the greys for some reason so my comments are “vox clamantis in deserto”, allow me to add my gratitude to you for this series. I’ve caught up on all the blockbusters I had never seen, even when there were way too many explosions. Some great movies, a lot I wouldn’t have watched if they

A few years ago Aminder Dhaliwal published a graphic novel titled “Woman World” (pub. by Drawn and Quarterly) with the same theme of a plague killing off all males. (Not sure about animals.) It’s a wonderful meditation on how an all-female society would construct itself, as well as addressing the melancholy of knowing

The cringey sample letter cited in the article sounds like the cringey ads that couples (who were probably a whole lot more desperate) used to place in the personals seeking a baby to adopt. If I were selling my house I would be more emotionally swayed if I actually met the prospective buyers and their bouncy children.

Campbell’s tomato soup is definitely a win. I usally stock up on soups that don’t need added liquid, like Progresso and Campbell’s Chunky, for those apocalyptic times when you are one can away from starvation. Or I’m too pressed for time/depressed/sick to make anything that requires preparation.

So I made this for dinner last night, leaving out the meat (yes I know that’s the best part) and figuring I would just eat the cheese on the side. It’s pretty soupy but of course you can just keep throwing more stuff into it. Pretty tasty, even though I went light on the hot pepper. I mean, kimchi and starch, what’s