Anne RC

It’s the serendipity!

The public library! And it’s free!

There was a wonderful adaptation of Dante’s Inferno from 1911. It’s on YouTube.

As with many other things in our modern world, this has been foretold in the movie “Network”.

“Take me now, Your Grace!”

Jason Robards, when asked the same sort of question, replied that appearing in disaster movies enabled him to work in the theatre.

The good thing about watching it on my small DVD player was that I could skim through the romantic bits and thus missed the entire “taking over someone else’s body” thing. I also saw it on HBO and I still missed that part.

We’re still waiting for the most recent James Bond movie, which was supposed to have come out a year ago.

Only now do recall the September 11 anthology you mentioned. I’ve forgotten all the films except one from Iran (I think), and the one with Ernest Borgnine directed by Sean Penn.

It’s not native to the Bronx!

I don’t think that’s mathematically possible.

Surely there is an actual, experienced, professional game show host they could have found somewhere?

I’m not suggesting this to be snarky, but the director of the Green Knight could do a great job with the Book of Revelation.

I’m not suggesting this to be snarky, but the director of the Green Knight could do a great job with the Book of

The Free Amazons of Darkover by Marion Zimmer Bradley, and other Darkover books. Leave out brutality and downbeat endings.

The Free Amazons of Darkover by Marion Zimmer Bradley, and other Darkover books. Leave out brutality and downbeat

Happy Women’s Equality Day!

Cotton lint is also compostable.

I was about twelve when I saw a re-issue of 20,000 Leagues. I got a crush on James Mason, but I also wondered, “How come you can make a movie with no women [dancehall girl extras don’t count] but you’ve never seen a movie with no men?”

I haven’t tried refrigerating flour but it seems rather moist in there. Keeping it in a jar or other air-tight container is preferable to leaving it in the bag, if you have a container large enough.

70 years old, and now you tell me?

My (adult) daughter had a rosemary leaf, which is really more like a little pine needle, stuck in her throat for a week. Eventually it worked its way down.