Like everything else, what seems like a good idea can head down a road we shouldn’t take. If VR makes the cows less stressed during the winter, then why let them out of the barn in the spring?
Like everything else, what seems like a good idea can head down a road we shouldn’t take. If VR makes the cows less stressed during the winter, then why let them out of the barn in the spring?
A chosen cow will rise up to free HER bovine brothers and sisters!
I’m sure that’s only when they get their personal special weapon. Like selecting a willow branch to make into your wand. (A real wand, not Harry Potter.)
So is this any worse than kissing someone on the mouth? I mean, you’re slobbering all over them! And touching them! People used to do this? Ew!!
In my community there are police vehicles which are not technically unmarked but are black with “[Town] Police” painted on the side in black.
That’s a possibility, but I’d rather have more than one fighting woman character. In most of the Star Wars movies there is one female lead and you need a magnifying glass to find anyone else who has more than two lines. As Yoda said, “There is another!”
The pitfall of episodic drama is that viewers expect an answer to the whodunit (or whatdunit) by the end of each episode. Miniseries may wrap up the storyline in a month; some shows can take multiple seasons to produce a resolution; but the kind of thoughtful yet realistic series you describe would need to be more…
I know what an N95 mask is, because it says so on it, but it would be good to show a picture of “medical-grade surgical” masks. The blue and white papery ones? The hospital ones that tie in the back? The video linked in the fourth section of the article is not helpful.
Each week I am so impressed by the artistry of Olivia Colman and David Thewlis. They act their talented heads off.
Good point about the lanes. I stay in the middle lane if there is one. That way I don’t have to deal with cars entering the highway on my right, and all the speed demons can go far far away from me.
My mother made goose once in a while for Christmas, mainly in the Sixties. I doubt that she ever did any kind of poaching or boiling first. It is, indeed, very fatty but then you might a well save the fat for something.
A major feminist voice that we have lost way, way too soon.
Rowland did not “buy the town”. There are attractive private homes; businesses include McKenzie-Childs home decor (already out of the financial reach of most people). People have been visiting “historic, charming” Aurora for decades, with or without Pleasant Rowland. No, I’m not on the payroll.
How can an act of cowardice be “brazen”?
Most of the major characters are played by actors who are younger and better looking than in the books, but that’s show biz. Luckily the authors, as executive producers, get to approve every hire.
So it looks like Bull (Jose Zuniga) won’t be their pilot. Too bad... it was nice while it lasted.
But all the Frostee Treats you could eat!
I haven’t been in the business end of an ambulance, but I was in the back seat of a police car (not restrained or under arrest). It was fine. They gave me a cigarette. Not an experience I’d like to repeat, though.
Or the last row of a Greyhound, right next to the restroom.
No, it is not. I live down the street from a cemetery, which has a sign forbidding jogging, biking, or dog-walking. Walk briskly on the paths if you like, but if you wouldn’t sit on a tombstone or do laps in a cathedral, don’t be disrespectful to the dead.