Anne RC

Because St. Paul said that hair is women’s crowning glory and therefore it should be covered while praying/in church, i.e. don’t be attention-calling, while men’s hair (not worn as long and lushly beautiful as Middle Eastern women’s was/is) does not need to be covered. When I was growing up in the RC church in the

“Blue Collar” is a film that has stayed with me - has Richard Pryor in a serious role.

I only ever watched the original series.

As long as they have some hot man-elf action, I’ll be happy. Does Viggo have a son?

I don’t have a smartphone :( - still in the 20th century.

I would think that once the blue flashes appeared all over venus that it would be difficult to keep secret, not to mention the many people who have encountered it so far.

Did anyone else think the proto-whatever-it-is looked like an ovum being released from an ovary?

Now, now... don’t be that guy.

Especially since this series is about more than the gore that’s usually on SyFy.

But would it come in on television or would you have to watch it online?

I didn’t remember that from the book, but I knew knew knew it was coming. What great eyes.

There are masses of books from the 1850s on, some about the expedition, some about the subsequent searches for the remains of the ships and crew. My daughter had one that I believe was “Frozen in Time : the fate of the Franklin Expedition” by Owen Beattie & John Geiger (Dutton, 1987), which had many photos including

When I am waiting impatiently for a show I think I should sleep a lot and then it will be next week faster. Somehow I never actually do it though.

I work in a rare book library so we have, among other publications a letter by Franklin’s wife (on black-bordered mourning paper) in an 1857 book with a map of the area - where the northwest of Canada would be is a blank. Also a book by (Harry) Goodsir’s brother Robert.

Blanky was Quirrell? Wow, being at sea in the Arctic ages a man.

To soften a foil-wrapped pat of butter you get at a restaurant or convenience store, hold it in your hand for a few minutes.

We tend to think that nobody said “fucking” before the 1930s, but it had a long and inglorious history. It just wasn’t quoted very often.

Which one?

That’s what it says in any dictionary of comic characters. Like “Negro spirituals”, some old terms survive.

The quickie way to drive to the Arctic Ocean is to go to Quebec, drive 2-3 days north of Montreal to Chibougamau, then head west to James Bay. The bay is physically part of the Arctic Ocean with brackish water and Arctic terns.