
Hollywood is both uglier and lovelier than it is portrayed by the tabloids (or, for that matter, industry trade papers and breathless online insider sites). If Nikki Finke keeps her mean girl perspective in editing this series, it will lose interest because spiteful only goes so far.

I remember studying Russian in the Soviet Union in the late 1980s- the glaring lack of old men was stunning. There were plenty of old women, who swept streets, sold the ubiquitous tickets needed for museum entry, told complete strangers to wipe their feet before entering, to stay off the grass, to button up a coat

Wow some incredible gems here that I've never heard of! Black Narcissus looks amazing.

You know who has really great skin? Beck.

OK, we have a big list so far. If you spot someone else I don't have on here, let me know what time on the clip you see them so we can check/verify.

Also, Dean Kamen (inventor of the Segway), Trevor Potter (the election lawyer who advised the Super PAC), former counter-terrorism adviser Richard Clarke, author Norm Ornstein, author Jon Alter, legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin, conservative Grover Norquist, and maybe NY Times columnists Nicholas Kristof & Maureen Dowd,

"That guy dancing with Couric" was David Hallberg, American Ballet Theater and Bolshoi Ballet principal — and TCR guest. Also there: L'il Buck Riley. Clearly no one here knows dancers!

Can I just tell you that when I saw Alan Alda I jumped out of my chair and screamed "ALAN ALDA!!! OMG THERE'S ALAN ALDA!!!" And then I got super teary because he looked so happy to be there. I am a hundred years old.

You guys I wrote this post in 1 minute and 30 seconds while I got the video. If you leave a rude comment complaining that someone was left out you will be met with the Scourge of Seven Wraiths of the Midnight Blogger. Just drop the names you don't see up there in the comments and I'll add it.

Seriously... Cookie Monster is the cutest thing evarrrrr.


NASCAR is full of thugs.

Whereas Croatia is known as "the table cloth of the world"

Mexico will always be known as "the Pants of North America"

I like this dress... no one else could pull it off

Sotnikova was the only one who in that moment seemed to skate with a nervous, energetic passion. She electrified my television screen, so I can only imagine what it was like being there in person. The other two women had very calm, steady skates that were beautiful to look at but didn't capture the imagination the