
Except, you know, ITS FUCKING FLORIDA

I always figured Snapchat would be ruined by the fact that their UI is a disaster. It’s the least intuitive app I’ve ever used.

MySpace isn’t going anywhere...every single person under 25 uses it everyday.

Well said. And this-”I want to live in a world where Tamir Rice turns 13".-I saw this on a placard held by one of his classmates at a protest after he passed away. It moved me to tears. This simple statement echoed by a child. Black Lives do Matter and no 6th grader should question whether or not they will see the 7th

Well said.

“All lives matter” is the smarmiest, most disingenuous erasure of a movement that malicious and clueless white people could have come up with. To apply this to Dr. King, his work, or his life is almost violent in its untruth. Fuck this parade of assholes in the ear.

also, a follow up:

he seems v perplexed by her hip pads after being distracted by something off to the right (mel gibson stabbing ricky gervais? idk guys)

It’s called a Right to Work state - workers have few rights, businesses have LOTS (but constantly complain about regulations, providing a living wage - ha! - benefits - as if - yada yada). I seriously do object to the companies that make you take breaks and yet do not pay you for them. The last real estate company

Totally agree - but make no mistake, it’s my choice to decline a half hour off without pay.

My last few jobs always had a solid group that would grab lunch together. My current job everyone is just really isolated and solitary (not assholes just not social) and I really, really miss it.

Honestly I always bring my lunch but my problem has always been that I have nowhere to eat it. I think that comments like yours, though, indicate a culturally American mentality we all seem to suffer from, namely “what’s good for you isn’t good for me.” Instead of applauding workers that try and stand up for their

I cannot agree more! I hate hate hate all the new “designed for the tablet” web pages that aren’t a page, but an infinite scrolling and constantly loading gob of shit. Comment sections that don’t fully load, don’t load at all, and aren’t searchable. Pop up images and video on every fucking page. Pages that are too

To me, the before and after look like the reverse of what the progression should be. This trend of turning every logo into fat, featureless cartoon letters is a step backwards. It’s the “leggings with Ugg boots” of the design world (annoying, but everyone keeps emulating it). It all started with that heinous Syfy

Do you work in the 80’s?

If we did “mass shooter” drills in elementary schools at the rate we did fire drills, I can guarantee you we’d have better gun control laws because the apathetic parents who pick their kid up and get “We pretended there was a crazy man in our school shooting everyone today” might actually start thinking about how it

The toys are going to be the same colors. Target is just removing the signs that tell which colors correspond to which gender. Clearly, there will be chaos, as people who want a blue blanket for their baby boy won’t be able to figure out which one is blue.

Really, it’s people like you all, truly, who are going to create a changed environment. I am stunned and humbled and more appreciative than any of you can ever know that a large number of anonymous people behind computer screens cared enough to even lend support, really. I really don’t talk like this in person, but

If you can’t see the differences between Sandy Hook & Charleston you are both blind & ignorant of the world around you.