
And the bailiff, a black woman,was stroking Guyger’s hair a couple of days back. No words.

Jean hugging Guyger doesn’t bother me. If that’s what he needs—regardless of whether “that” is extending genuine forgiveness or performative pandering—in order to heal, then let him have it.

I know what you said are technically names and words, but just a heads up, none of it makes sense. 

An amateur astronomer may have detected an object from outside our solar system

“We have to stop this crisis at our Solar System border. I want $1.7 trillion trillion dollars to build the wall and I’m gonna make the aliens pay for it. (BUILD THE WALL! BUILD THE WALL!) They’re not sending us their best and brightest, they’re sending us murderers and ass-probers. (SEND HER BACK! SEND HER BACK!) I

Not the Antonio Brown come back story I expected.

Last September, according to a timeline of events provided by the Anchorage School District, a swim team parent went so far as to take photos of the teenager at a swim meet and then send them to others

Definitely need to get back to the era of not allowing the chauffeur to have a roof.

Jesus christ. When the fuck did it become acceptable for adults to cheer at a 6 year old(?) getting a concussion? 

He died like he lived: drifting aimlessly wherever the current took him.”

After the game Kimbrel refused to join the rest of the team for a meal in the cafeteria and instead found an empty area of steps where he could eat his sandwich alone......

Getting back into a baseball game after you’ve already exited the stadium? That’s the very definition White privilege.


Betty White”

That goes without saying ...

His chalkboard must be enormous.

How dare you make me laugh out loud in my quiet office.

Appealing? No.

Starting price at less than $60k.... Consider the game changed.