
All Hail the Glow Cloud.

Look, I know this might be wishful thinking, but if they could just have morpheus work with no mans sky, I don’t think I would ever take the headset off

You savage...

I actually got a little sad watching all of them

Doesn’t seem much like someone worth engaging!

portal = AirDroid?

ah man, this reminds me of Ted Chiang’s (heartbreaking) novella, the Lifecycle of Software Objects. :(

definitely getting that too, but what Ive heard about the game so far is that the car building is a central mechanic to the game, so we’ll see.

this is true. By the time I was done with fallout really, skyrim came out. And I only really just recently stopped playing skyrim

Oh hell, and Mad Max... Build my own crazy mad max car? hell fucking yeah.

I dont really remember if I ever actually beat JC2, but boy, destroying things was something else. I’d buy jc3 just to blow things up in such spectacular fashion. Im doing the same with batman next week - Even taking a sick day to just spend all release day playing the hell out of it

Well, I would be annoyed because they have clearly been working on it in secret for so long, to give us this grand reveal and then balk... That’s something I totaly expect from ubi (here’s a release date! no actually no one on the team thought we’d get it out by then! only one more year! ok no, now only one more year

ahhh man... Just Cause 3, Metal Gear Solid, next week Batman - and I haven’t come close to finishing witcher yet... there’s probably many more that Im forgetting - But Fallout. Man, the only thing that would keep me from playing fallout 4 forever would be if they surprise dropped a new elder scrolls game at the same

Man lazer Tag was my Jam. we were all model makers so we’d customize our guns and gear with model paint, and play in the dark in my friends enormous back yard.

They partnered with Zeiss to make a line of sony zeiss lenses that are pretty solid. the 35mm prime is one sharp little lens. That said, we did a test across all apertures and focal lengths of the Sony Zeiss 24-70mm vs. The sony 28-70 Kit lens, and found the kit lens was surprisingly just as sharp, or sometimes

We’ve been using the a7R at the museum I work at to document exhibitions since it was released and it sure does the trick. A lot of the museum photo community is quietly switching to the alpha series for non-archival reproduction work (stuff we use an H4D for)... though with this 42 mp sensor it’s getting close

even then I’ve heard stories about that being iffy. Be on the safe side and put that shit fully in a pocket

They were a serious option even before the a7rII. The a7 and a7R are both great cameras! they just keep getting better!

Didn’t burn something fierce?

if it’s a water bong, I wonder if any of the jalepeno oil would be filtered by the water