
Jalepeno was the bowl?

especially considering I’d actually have to if I wanted to use that laptop to work on things anywhere other than my home desk ;)

For the sake of trying to be funny, I think it is a fine thing to do, though.

Finally! I was worried the laptop was too small and light. Now I get to carry around around something to make up for how little use I could get out of this thing right out of the box

Seriously, you’re buying a new generation apple product and DONT expect to have to buy a ton of other expensive crap to actually get use out of it?

It’s all in the black turtleneck baby

I’ll take least surprising developer conferences for $400 Alex.

I’ve felt this way about these things for a few years running now. I’m thrilled they’re finally adding in a lot of the features that android (and other companies) have had for a while to make their UX more robust, but I still get to roll my eyes at the

I too will never leave this 7.99 plan - one of the main reasons I switched from spotify besides the 2 buck savings was the lack of social aspect. I don’t really want any of my friends seeing what Im listening to at any given moment personally. Music is a private personal experience for me

oh man, an obi wan movie... If they had him face off against Darth Maul again that would make me soooo happy

I cringed when I heard him say both “afk” and “irl” out loud. Otherwise, I’m sold

As far as Im concerned now, what family. I have no family. no friends anymore.

damn you now I want to rewatch that show....

Tell that to my macbook charger

seriously. They’re getting pretty good. I’ve even upsampled the hell out of pictures from my 10mp moto x camera to get some decent sized prints out of it. I think of it a lot as the 35mm of digital at this point (albeit 35mm is still better than a cellphone).

That said.... PLEASE give me full manual control over my

yeah I saw that thing. Damn that looks nice.

hahaha 2016. Thats pretty optimistic.

Thanks a lot Ted, I really needed to cry at work (one of many of his stories that have done this to me)

if only they would open that up to all androids, or at least let me customize the damn launch phrase of my 2013 x. I hate saying ok google now... I just want to say “COMPUTER” like captain picard already

4x5 cameras don’t have viewfinders, just “screens” ;)

But real talk, nothing wrong with using the screen if it helps you make the picture you want to make the way you want to make it. No reason to not use the tools we have in every way possible. Thanks to the flip out screen on my sony a7 I’ve been able to more quickly

Only lists cardboard v1 as far as I can see