
The argument I’ve heard recently that’s had a real impact has been the idea that affordable healthcare fits in perfectly with the idea of the American Dream. Trump kept saying how he wanted to make America great again, and a sure fire way to do that is to give the poor and middle class the economic flexibility

I’ll never be someone to say that the ACA is a perfect solution - I know people who are personally challenged by the mandate, and I know that insurers have left exchange markets in rural areas (to be fair, there was little competition in these areas pre-ACA). But to STILL talk about how “Obama lied when he said you

I am sooo stoked that we have lockjaw actually happening, but like, We can have a giant teleporting bulldog, but no costume in Iron Fist? because realism? ffs Marvel.

I wonder when we’ll get to see resident evil: the final chapter: Parts II and III.

Also, what the hell is Aftermath?

eh, why though? everyone has a kink, if it was really a kink thing. I don’t see the point of focusing on something like that (as it draws attention away from more important things like most of his bluster does).

That said, he is one petty mother fucker so I totally believe he would sink that low to feel superior

gotta love hockey tho they fuck eachother up then make sure the guys ok

as much as it fucking pains me to say it, that’s where I am. I can at least predict what pence will do. Trump’s a pretty big wildcard in that respect.

“theyre gonna repeal that damn Obamacare! good thing I got the ACA instead”

wallstreet centric - as in the de regulation we’re staring down the barrel of with the Goldman Sachs alum swamp monsters trump is bringing together? It feels less like a cabinet and more like a Super Friends version of the legion of doom. I certainly didn’t pick hillary as my first choice because of a lot of issue I

Everyone seemed to be convinced that clinton was the surest way to WWIII, and yet we have people like Michael Flynn bending trumps ear who so very desperately wants to wipe Iran off the face of the earth (Mattis, too, I’m sure, though he seems slightly more rational), and Steve Bannon who is really happy to stoke the

This is a late reply - I’ve done that with the press standing normally on my cup (waking up at 430 am is a real buzzkill). Best thing I’ve ever seen was some rather foolish roommate I had that was doing it inverted, who assured me she knew what she was doing (I was new to aeropress so it seemed risky to me) only to

This is a late reply - I’ve done that with the press standing normally on my cup (waking up at 430 am is a real

God I love that monster of a dish rack. It still gets a little gunky if you don’t clean it, but those cheapo ones I had in my early 20s in brooklyn looked like something was growing inside of them after one set of dishes....

God I love that monster of a dish rack. It still gets a little gunky if you don’t clean it, but those cheapo ones I

Pretty sure I’ve done that stone cold sober. so smoooooth.

Pretty sure I’ve done that stone cold sober. so smoooooth.

If I had any hope that the echo dot would support google play music I’d jump on that :(

If I had any hope that the echo dot would support google play music I’d jump on that :(

To be fair, Moonlight was one of the best movies I’ve ever seen - and just because I haven’t heard of or seen many of these doesn’t necessarily mean that they are bad. That said, there are a lot of movies on this list that... I just would not put anywhere near it, and a lot of movies that definitely deserve to be on

Giant Meteor 2017?

Huh. TIL that was directed by zack snyder. I thought it was pretty fine, mostly just for showing us what actually would happen if you let a bunch of fools use a chainsaw as a weapon with no training

Perfect. I’ll get that right to you...

Fine. Jeez. I’ll just need your bank account # for the transfer, along with your social security number

Don’t forget he’s a black man so he has the whole “urban” thing going for him