
I was trying to be a good citizen and give Trump and his administration the benefit of the doubt, but my patience more than wore thin in January! When can we as a people come together and let our leaders know that we know how badly they are failing us and our fellow citizens? This is not a dem vs repub thing, this is

You’re right.

Except that he promised to visit Pakistan. Which actually is an important diplomatic act. Obama refused to visit Pakistan to show his discontent with the inability of their leaders to control the Taliban and their continued aggressive acts towards india. Did he consciously mean to reverse long-standing US foreign

oh just fucking fuck everything.

Hey hey, whoa now. Calling neo-nazis “Fecal-Americans” is a disservice to fecal matter. Manure is actually beneficial to the world.

If the Watch is faster, won’t you be early for all your appointments?

“In 7 kilograms, turn left.”

Aren’t we a fun species? There is no universal right answer to anything, because it’ll always offend somebody.

Once Marvel picked Doctor Strange as a movie, it had a problem. Stephen Strange’s origin story is racist. The whole thing is based on a white person traveling to a land of Asian stereotypes. Making a non-offensive version of that story required a lot of work that no one on this movie seemed willing to do. It’s telling

Note that I never said that I don’t understand people who use a particular type of earbud - that was you doing that. I understand just fine, I simply conclude they’re not for me, personally, like any reasonable person would when encountering something they don’t prefer.

Does it come with a headphone jack?

Does it come with a headphone jack?

it must suck to be so alone.

Sure it’s stereotyping, but you know you wanted to see Dolph as a Russian Bad Guy.

What, are you saying that WB doesn’t know how to handle their universe? Definitely haven't seen any signs of that.

Why are you even reading this?

Or in the case of The Martian, red is used to symbolize that he’s on fucking Mars.

20 Minutes. My rapist took only about 15. That was >40 years ago, and I’ve never forgotten. These rapists think they are blameless. It only took 20 minutes, why is the rest of my life in ruins. BECAUSE THE REST OF MINE IS RUINED. POS

The villain of the Justice League movie is Zack Snyder
