
In other news...

Well you see Bobby... pumping franchises instead of making good original games is a risk that you take when you only want to back the big money makers.

The main NAND vendors who make NAND chips to go on to an SSD are Samsung, Hynix, Micron, Numonyx, and Intel.

mmmmm ass-coat.

Casey Chan... how long did it take Jesus Diaz to come over and kick your ass after publishing this article mocking his religion?

Snooki? Is that you?

Apple just needs to stop lollygagging and add these features to IOS. Every one of these is a perfectly reasonable addition. Wait never mind... don't do it Apple, as I want it to feel good when I quit you.

Yes, weeks.... sometimes MONTHS at a time.

It's all about the games. Whichever platform has a great game on it deserves playing. I prefer the PC as the graphics are best there, but I will get a console for titles that don't come on PC.

I would say no. Give Guild Wars 2 a shot. It is easily as good as WoW and doesn't have a monthly subscription fee. Please don't misunderstand. I had loads of fun in Blizzards WoW and hold the game no ill will but I think the days of paid subscription are over for me at least.

I did some scuba diving in the Greek islands. They're a pretty grumpy people. I would have thought they would have been nicer to people spending money in their country. Nope. Grumpy.

Lot of interesting Drow hate in here. The video didn't seem to focus on the drow. It seemed that all the races were there. If the game stinks, it stinks, but give it a chance to be played and reviewed maybe before you let your internet tough guy drow hate pass judgment too soon?

Lol that sealed it. I was becoming interested in some of the photos my daughter was posting on Instagram. I was going to join up to compete with her.... not so much now. Sorry Instagram, that's way over the line.

I take it back. Rob Zombie... definitely Rob Zombie.

Alfonso Cuaron. He understands how to use an immersive world without violating canon and pissing off viewers.

I stopped playing DOTA2 beta because of the ridiculous abuse while trying to learn the game. These type of games like DOTA and LoL apparently have no desire to bring any new blood to the game. Sad really, it looks fun but I wont be called names while playing my first ever round in the game. If you are so stupid that

TDK SA 90. Top right in your pic. I still have one labeled "Fast Tape" that has the most adrenaline inducing hardcore punk on it known to man.

Make it look like the Death Star and it will sell like hot cakes.

I make your eeeyyyes!

Man... waste of money, especially since FREEWARE can make Win8 exactly the same as Win7. But hey... I guess this is pumping money in to the economy so downgrade on crazy people!