
Vote Blue no matter who, unless you like living under a theocracy. 

“George Washington didn’t have access to pornography, therefore there is no historical right for porn to exist.” -Clarence Thomas, probably

Annnd the monumental damage DT has done to the country continues. This Christian Taliban and DT dictator cozy SC needs to go.

Go be a cunt somewhere else, universalamander.

I just saw a stat showing how the Texas anti-abortion law has generated a 12.7% jump in infant/maternal mortality rates there. This is why you don’t vault opinions and beliefs above science, facts, and reason. 

Indeed.  So sick of the false equivalency.

But I can’t vote for Biden because _____.”

X has turned to smaller businesses as it struggles to recoup ad dollars from bigger brands such as Apple and Disney.”

so the KKK and Proud Boys?

Yeah, I’ll admit that Biden does have this sort of wandering look when he walks around, but shit man, if that’s the worst the president has to offer, than there’s no comparison to how bad Trump is.

Meanwhile Trump is waving to people that don’t exist whenever we leaves a building, gets off a plane, etc.

Sun is getting real low. 

This is the same guy who claims he aced a “cognitive test,” but forgot the name of the doctor who administered it.

“You know what a clean fake is?” Trump continued. “They’re deceptively edited. They say they’re deceptively edited. All of the mistakes that he’s made every day. He can’t go anywhere without a mistake. Now, if I’m perfect, they say he made a mistake. He did. Perfect. I don’t say clean fakes, although they do. They do

Sadly another example of corporate greed being prioritized over the health and safety of the public. No real surprise there, and it will never change with the big oil lobby owning a large percentage of federal lawmakers.

She wants time off to spend with her friends:

Frustrating as it may be, it’s also important to remember that he already has every single vote he’s going to get. He has no way to grow his support, because he’s so toxic. So while his supporters are loud, and fervent, they are also shrinking, they are exhausted, they are hated, and many of them are tired of

We’ll just have to hope that it sours enough middle-right voters to make his chance of winning in November even lower.

Looks like a good day for Gravity Kills’ 1996 self-titled album. Guilty has 7.3 million plays when their closest other high-playing song is 1.3 million and their average plays is somewhere between 100-300,000.

While I am glad that Trump was finally held accountable, I am dismayed that he is not likely to lose support after being convicted.  Our country has taken a dark turn if it is willing to reelect a twice impeached president that fomented an insurrection and tried to steal the presidency.

Oh Shut up. You moron. Trump literally vowed to detain every Muslim in the US and deport every Palestinian back to the meat grinder of Gaza. And give Netanyahu a blank check to expand his war.

You stupid fucking fascist apologist dipshit.